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We SEE You

We SEE You - Mary Beth and Steven Curtis Chapman

Dear friends, 

Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows. — Matthew 10:29–31

A year ago, we shared this passage with you as we were all walking through the early, unknown days of COVID-19. And though today we are making great strides to the “other side” of this global pandemic, we recognize that so many are still reeling from its effects, particularly the children and families we serve through the work of Show Hope. We SEE their waiting, prolonged by countries closing borders to outside travel. We SEE their faithful refiling of paperwork and documentation that expired while governing agencies and offices were forced to close. We SEE their praying and hoping to raise unexpected funds because additional work is required. We SEE you, children and families, and we continue to wait and pray expectantly alongside you.

On the other side of the coin, we SEE much to celebrate. Show Hope faithful friends, supporters, donors, and prayer warriors locked arms with us as we navigated a new world of social distancing, face coverings, daily temperature checks, virtual events, Zoom meetings, holidays via FaceTime, and so much more. We SEE a new endeavor—Medical Care grants—taking root each day with new children, families, and stories of hope to tell. We SEE the new Hope for the Journey Conference impacting parents, families, and churches … reaching and penetrating the hearts of the children they love, care for, and serve. For these examples and much more, we SEE you, friends, showing up and showing hope—maybe more than you ever have.

On a more personal note, we SEE Emily, Caleb, and Will Franklin serving the Lord through their unique giftings and loving well their families and our grands. We SEE two little girls—Shaoey and Stevey Joy—who are now young women making their way into new chapters and new adventures, navigating it all with much faith, grace, and confidence. And we still SEE “the face of a little girl with dark brown eyes that disappear when she smiles.” Though the pain is still as real as it was 13 years ago, we continue to taste and SEE that the Lord is good … that “Beauty Will Rise” from the ashes.

And so, our prayer is simple, friends, that you will SEE it too … that all sad things will, one day, become untrue.

With much hope, love, and gratitude,

Mary Beth and Steven Curtis Chapman

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