Recent Stories

Show Hope Book Club: Created to Connect
Created to Connect Our friends and partners at Empowered to Connect recently updated the “Created to Connect” study, a free resource designed to guide Christian parents through the biblical foundations of the book “The Connected Child” by Dr. Karyn Purvis, Dr. David Cross, and Wendy Lyons Sunshine. From Empowered to Connect: “This resource has encouraged…
15 Encouraging Bible Verses for Parents
The late Dr. Karyn Purvis once said, “A gift you can give to your child is taking good care of yourself.” There is perhaps no better way to care for your whole self—mind, heart, body, and soul—than abiding with God in his word. In the Book of Psalms, we find this familiar Bible verse: “Your…
Adoption Aid Grants Rewind
Our Adoption Aid grants are the cornerstone of our work—the original vision of our Founders, Mary Beth and Steven Curtis Chapman. To date, we have had the privilege of awarding more than 9,100 Adoption Aid grants, impacting children from around the globe and totaling more than $44 million. You have helped make this impact possible,…
Show Hope Book Club: It Takes More Than Love
““It Takes More Than Love” is both convicting and encouraging, not only for adoptive parents but also for anyone in community with adoptive families,” Show Hope Manager of Communications Bethany Jones said. “Brittany Salmon does not shy away the challenges that come with transcultural adoption but also highlights the beauty of God’s design.” We encourage…
A Haven of Hope
Our story began with hope. Our Founders, Mary Beth and Steven Curtis Chapman, desired to see children enter the love of a family through adoption. Show Hope Adoption Aid grants grew and so did our understanding. You see, the adoption journey does not end the day a child is welcomed home. In many ways, it…
A Letter From Show Hope’s Executive Director
Dear Friends, At this time last year, we were seeing significant growth in Show Hope’s Adoption Aid grants—a growth, to be honest, that we had not anticipated. We saw those needs growing, and you stepped up, again, to ensure we were able to reduce the financial barrier to adoption. As a result, we had the…