Our Story
After having their own eyes and hearts opened to the needs of orphans and being personally impacted by adoption, Mary Beth and Steven Curtis Chapman founded Show Hope in 2003. A faith-based nonprofit organization based in Franklin, Tennessee, Show Hope exists to care for orphans by engaging the Church and reducing barriers to adoption.
Every year, millions of people consider growing their family through adoption, but only a small percentage of those who consider adoption actually move forward. The financial barrier that exists within adoption is one of the main reasons for this. Through our cornerstone work, Adoption Aid, Show Hope has impacted more than 8,600 children from more than 60 countries, including the U.S., by awarding financial grants to families who are on the adoption journey. The original vision of Show Hope’s Founders, Adoption Aid, continues to impact hundreds of children and families each year.
As a way to give back to the country that entrusted to them three beautiful daughters, Mary Beth and Steven Curtis Chapman longed to help care for children who had been orphaned, specifically in the country of China. For nearly 15 years, Show Hope supported multiple Care Centers in China, with an aim to provide care for children with acute medical and special needs—even building, furnishing, and supporting the flagship Care Center, Maria’s Big House of Hope, named in honor of their daughter Maria who is now with Jesus. To date, more than 2,700 children have been impacted by Show Hope’s involvement in the work of the Care Centers, and while its funding of the Care Centers in China no longer continues, each child who received care there is a testament to God’s faithfulness and an expression of hope through the Care Centers Legacy. Today, Show Hope remains committed to the Care Centers Legacy, staying connected to and resourcing the children and families impacted by this life-changing work.
When dreaming how to further a desire to address the medical needs of children who have been orphaned, the Chapmans asked themselves, What if we could further journey with families, once adoption has been finalized, by offering Medical Care grants to help offset healthcare expenses? In their listening and hoping, the roots of the Show Hope tree grew deeper, and Medical Care grants unfolded in addressing head-on not one but two barriers to adoption: financial and medical. And so our hope is: As families come to know these financial resources are available, they will feel more supported in their journeys to love well the children who have been entrusted to them through adoption.
Many children impacted by adoption and/or foster care have experienced abuse, trauma, neglect, and/or early attachment injuries. Through its Pre+Post Adoption Support work, Show Hope provides practical teaching and resources to better equip parents, caregivers, church leaders, and professionals in order to help restore hope to children and families on the healing journey. To date, more than 138,000 families and individuals have been impacted by Show Hope’s Hope for the Journey Conference (formerly the Empowered to Connect Conference) as well as more than 2,100 Trust-Based Relational Intervention® (TBRI®) Practitioner Training scholarships have been awarded to professionals.
And with a focus on the future, Show Hope’s Student Initiatives work aims to educate, empower, and mobilize today’s students—and our next generation of leaders—to effectively care for and make a difference in the lives of children who have been orphaned ... not just for tomorrow but for today.
On Show Hope’s Use of Statistics about Children who have been Orphaned
We believe it is vitally important to maintain best practices in the way we use numbers and statistics in our communication efforts to bring awareness to the millions of children in need of a family.

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All we do is only possible because of you—because of individuals and communities taking a stand and responding to God’s invitation to care for children who need families.