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Posts by jmitchem

“If God Tells You to Go, You Go”

Ask Liz Archambault what adoptive and foster care parents need most, and the answer, at first glance, may be surprising: Grace. “There’s that desperate desire as a parent to want to do right by your child, but it’s important also to be able to have grace for your kid and for yourself,” Liz said. “There’s…

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A Young Leader Making a Tangible Impact

There’s a lot about the college experience that is future-focused. Students write papers to get the grades that will give them a diploma and someday launch their careers. With that, there’s a tendency to believe that “someday” is where calling begins. But for Hope College senior Julia Loula, answering God’s call impacts where she is…

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Pause Campaign: Frequently Asked Questions

Pause Campaign Frequently Asked Questions

Show Hope’s Student Initiative, Pause Campaign, is a seven-day social media fast where high school and college student groups study devotional content designed to educate them on the needs of orphans, equipping them to impact the lives of waiting children today. The following are some Pause Campaign Frequently Asked Questions: What does the week of…

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An Investment in Hope

The kingdom of heaven is like a grain of mustard seed that a man took and sowed in his field. It is the smallest of all seeds, but when it has grown it is larger than all the garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests…

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One of Our Favorite Moments From Fellowship Weekend

COVID-19 is making it challenging for many of us from gathering together with those we love most this holiday season, but for countless families on the adoption journey, their plans to welcome home a new little one this year—in time for the holidays—have been delayed and even halted indefinitely. It is children and families like…

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Faithful in the Wait

A Show Hope Adoption Aid grant recipient family sitting outside all hugging each other and smiling.

“You have this image in your head of what it’s going to be like once they’ve arrived. I just kept thinking, Man, what a celebration it’s going to be when we walk through the airport that day.” Four years into their process to adopt from Ethiopia, Marcus and Kayla Mackey received difficult news: The Ethiopian…

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The Vision for Medical Care

Vision for Medical Care

In 2003, we founded Show Hope with the mission to care for orphans by engaging the Church and reducing barriers to adoption. Through our own personal adoption journey, our hearts had been quickened to the needs of children who had been orphaned. We had quickly identified a financial barrier that stood between waiting children and…

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Our First-Ever Fellowship Weekend Virtual Fundraiser is One Month Away!

In exactly one month, we will be gathering together for our first-ever Fellowship Weekend Virtual Fundraiser! We’re so excited to share stories, dream together, and remember God’s faithfulness to the work of Show Hope over the years. With a goal to raise $1.5 million, will you prayerfully consider giving a gift and coming alongside us…

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Hope for the Journey Conference Commonly Asked Questions

In late spring, Show Hope announced plans for its new Hope for the Journey Conference (formerly known as the Empowered to Connect Conference). The conference and simulcast is planned for Friday, April 9, 2021, with a rebroadcast period of April 16–May 31, 2021. The following are commonly asked questions, regarding Show Hope’s new Hope for…

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