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One of Our Favorite Moments From Fellowship Weekend

COVID-19 is making it challenging for many of us from gathering together with those we love most this holiday season, but for countless families on the adoption journey, their plans to welcome home a new little one this year—in time for the holidays—have been delayed and even halted indefinitely. It is children and families like these who Show Hope has been serving for almost 18 years now. 

We recently hosted Show Hope’s first ever Fellowship Weekend Virtual Fundraiser on Saturday evening, November 7. It was such an incredible evening with stories, music, and special guests. Sharing the Richardson family’s story was one of the many highlights of the evening. 

If you have yet to tune in, we have some good news! We have extended the viewing period through Saturday, November 21 (which just also happens to be SCC’s birthday!). We do hope you’ll take the opportunity to tune in, and please feel free to invite your family and friends to join you.

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