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“You don’t have to walk this journey by yourself.”

Taylor and TJ Mauldin both felt drawn to adoption long before meeting each other. Early in their marriage, they became foster parents. After this experience, they felt the Lord calling them to grow their family through adoption, specifically from India. In 2017, they welcomed home their son, Cameron, and in 2020 their daughter, Lizzy Claire.  

“We knew that it was going to be hard, and we knew that there were going to be really hard moments, and—it didn’t matter. When the creator of the universe speaks to you and says, ‘Go …. go get your daughter,’ you just humbly obey, and you joyfully submit to that call in your life.”

Taylor and TJ recently received a Medical Care grant on behalf of their daughter. 

“Show Hope giving a Medical Care grant really felt like someone was partnering with us in the journey. It was another reminder of God’s provision … that, ‘Hey, you’re not doing this alone. You don’t have to walk this journey by yourself.’ The tangible love of God is on display through an organization that wants to partner with you, and wants to share the burden with you, and wants to really live out the verse that ‘he who began a good work in you will see it through to completion.’” 

The Need: Many children who have been orphaned live with medical needs, with limited access to adequate healthcare, and once home, rising medical costs and access to treatment can be overwhelming for families. But Show Hope’s Medical Care grants help offset expenses related to caring for a child’s complex needs. Our hope is, as families come to know that financial resources are available in this area, they feel more confident in their ability to provide for a child after welcoming him or her home through adoption.

Are there families in your community who could benefit from receiving a Medical Care grant? Help us spread the word and learn more today!

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