Understanding The Gospel and TBRI®
![The Gospel and TBRI®](https://showhope.org/content/uploads/2022/01/Mackey-Family-Photos-2020-75-copy-1024x695.jpg)
God created us to be in relationship—at peace within ourselves, with him, and with others. And yet, with the fall of mankind into sin, we now experience the pain of broken relationships and the vulnerability of isolation. This is the painful reality for many children who have been impacted by abuse, trauma, loss, and/or neglect.
At its core, Trust-Based Relational Intervention® (TBRI®) works to promote trust and connection between caregivers and children or teens by addressing physical and emotional needs while also disarming fear-based behavior.
And so, while TBRI may be perceived as clinical in nature as it involves the complexities of science, Show Hope also sees TBRI as an expression of the gospel of Jesus Christ. In “Created to Connect: A Christian’s Guide to The Connected Child,” Dr. Karyn Purvis, with Michael and Amy Monroe, write, “The longing of the human heart is to connect and belong. We long to connect with our Creator, in whose image we have been made, and by God’s grace such a connection is possible. As relational beings we also have a deep need and desire to connect with those around us. One of the most important and meaningful human conditions is undoubtedly between a parent and child.”
Questions & Reflections
– What does humility in service look like as a parent or caregiver?
– In the hard moments (because they’ll come!), where does your source of joy come from?
– As you consider the love and grace shown to you through Christ’s work of reconciliation, how can that inform and encourage your daily interactions and approaches with your child?
– What role does forgiveness play in your family’s story?
Tips & Reminders
– Be intentional about carving out space for yourself for personal prayer, meditation, and time with God. It may mean making adjustments to your daily schedule, even if only a few minutes, but this time can be rejuvenating to your mind, body, and soul.
– In the hard moments, remind yourself what brought you here, why today matters, and where you are headed.
– Before your head hits the pillow for the night, treasure in your heart one special moment from the day that brought you joy.
Action Points
Verses to Remember
Below are four Bible verses Show Hope believes connect well to the foundational principles of TBRI. Spend time meditating on these truths, whether journaling, memorizing, or writing on index cards to place around your home or office space.
– An Introduction to TBRI: Two are better than one, … For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. — Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
– Connecting Principles: Let love be genuine … — Romans 12:9
– Empowering Principles: There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. — 1 John 4:18
– Correcting Principles: Love never ends. — 1 Corinthians 13:8
Create Community
Think of other individuals and families within your church or faith community. Consider beginning a support group for one another. Perhaps you can begin meeting weekly or monthly together in prayer, study, and discussion. A great resource to walk through together is “Created to Connect: A Christian’s Guide to The Connected Child” by Dr. Karyn Purvis with Michael and Amy Monroe.
This is the fifth in a series of five blog posts. Also check out:
An Introduction to Trust-Based Relational Intervention® (TBRI®)
Understanding TBRI® Connecting Principles
Understanding TBRI® Empowering Principles
Understanding TBRI® Correcting Principles
To further explore the connection between the gospel and TBRI, read The Gospel in Pre+Post Adoption Support by Show Hope’s Emily Chapman Richards.
Register now for Show Hope’s 2023 Hope for the Journey Conference, premiering Friday, April 14, with on-demand viewing through June 30. Early Bird Special Pricing for both Individuals/Households as well as Churches/Organizations available now through October 31!