The Vision for Show Hope’s Adoption Aid Grants

The minute Shaoey was placed in my arms, in a hotel in China, I got it. (Maybe you know the story. Even so, it was such a profound moment that I cannot help but share it every chance I get.)
As we welcomed her into our family through the miracle of adoption, I was confronted with my own adoption story. I finally understood what God did for me. He adopted me too, and nothing is going to separate me from that adoption. It was a huge day for me. Shaoey was placed in my arms, love took me in, and everything changed. Our family had expanded as well as our hearts, and I wanted to tell everyone what they were missing!
The reality is, there are approximately 15 million children, around the globe, who are in need of the love, security, and permanency of a family. Even here, in the U.S., there are some 115,000 children who have had parental rights terminated and are in need of permanent families. And there are families upon families who long to grow their family through adoption, yet the financial barrier is just too overwhelming.
Back in the early 2000s, God imprinted on my heart that through Steven’s platform and my loud mouth, He could move the hearts of His people to become involved in adoption. We met people who desired to adopt, but again, the financial barrier was just too overwhelming for so many of them. Steven often tells the story that a line of families began to form, and I began to write checks—sometimes faster than he could write songs! We saw the need, and we knew we had to help.
So, in 2003, more than 20 years ago now, we founded Show Hope with its mission to care for orphans by engaging the Church and reducing barriers to adoption.
We believe that every child deserves to know the love, security, and permanency of a family. Our vision—our earliest dream—for Show Hope was to help 100 children come home through adoption. It was a huge dream, but God—as He does—had something much bigger planned.
Soon, 100 children became 500 children, and 500 children became 1,000. And today, we have helped nearly 9,000 children, from more than 60 countries, come home to the love of a family. Only God can do that!
With more than $42 million awarded, Show Hope Adoption Aid grants continue to grow. Yes, it is much to celebrate, but the need still remains the same as it did when I first held Shaoey in my arms.
The goal of Show Hope’s Adoption Aid grants is to fund 25 to 35 percent of the total costs associated with adoption. Until recently, our grants have ranged between $6,000 and $10,000 each. To meet rising adoption costs, that range is now between $8,000 and $12,000 each. Additionally, Show Hope is also seeing a 30 percent increase in Adoption Aid applications, completed and submitted, when compared to the previous year.
In a few years, Show Hope will award our 10,000th Adoption Aid grant, and suffice to say, we may reach that milestone sooner than we anticipate, based on current trends. But know—and I can say this with all confidence—the Show Hope team SEEs the needs and stands ready to meet children and families with hope and help—and I pray, you will continue to stand with us.
With gratitude,
Mary Beth Chapman

Mary Beth Chapman
Show Hope