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Adoption Aid

An Outpouring of Support

A boy smiling at the camera

Growing up, Joseph Langr helped his dad serve adults with special needs. When Joseph and his wife, Chloe, were engaged, he shared a calling to parent children with Down syndrome someday. Chloe tabled the conversation until after they were married and together decided that they wanted to pursue it if that was only specifically how…

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Meet the Littmanns


“It was a challenge to know there was a child who was potentially already born, but we couldn’t get to him or her,” Aaron Littmann shared. “But the Lord remained faithful.”  In March 2021, Aaron and his wife, Jane, were matched with their daughter, Nolitha. A year later, the Littmanns received approval, travel dates, and…

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Blessings Along the Way

We first introduced you to the Woller family, who were adopting from Burkina Faso, in April 2022 as one of the featured families of Show Hope’s 20/20 Campaign. Take a closer look at the Woller family and updates to their story.  Amber and Matthew Woller have always felt led to adopt, after both having different…

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A Weight Lifted

Aubrey and Ryan Bauer knew before they ever got married the Lord was calling them to adopt. They started dating in high school and continued dating through college, always staying on the same page about their future. After having their first two children, Ellory and Emmett, they knew it was time to start answering the…

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The Financial Barrier to Adoption

There are approximately 15 million children around the globe who have been orphaned. Here in the U.S. alone, there are more than 100,000 children in the foster care system who have had parental rights terminated. This global issue crosses international borders, racial divides, and economic classes. It impacts children from every walk of life, and…

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A Beam of Light

A Beam of Light

Beam of light. That is what Nolitha’s name means in Xhosa, one of the official languages of South Africa where she was born. And according to Jane and Aaron Littmann, her name could not be more accurate.  “Every photo we received of her [before bringing her home] proved that to be true,” Aaron said. “She…

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What It Means to Be a Child of God

But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God …  — John 1:12 See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are …  — 1 John 3:1 For many,…

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Meet the McGlathery Family

We are the McGlathery family from Tennessee. We are advocates [for children who have been orphaned] and parents who have grown our family through adoption. We firmly believe that if the Lord calls you to adopt, he will provide. The Lord has used Show Hope to answer prayers for both of our adoption journeys, and…

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Beyond Their Wildest Dreams

Four years into their process to adopt from Ethiopia, Marcus and Kayla Mackey received difficult news. The Ethiopian government was suspending all intercountry adoptions. Yet amid their confusion and heartbreak, Marcus and Kayla prayed for guidance. “We still wanted to adopt, and we still felt God saying, You have a son somewhere,” Kayla said. “Eventually,…

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