The Knowledge Barrier to Adoption
Many individuals who have the ability to make a difference in the lives of waiting children do not take action simply because they are unaware of the needs or don’t know where to begin.
For us at Show Hope, we see this knowledge gap as a barrier to adoption, and there are three specific ways in which we are seeking to reduce it.
The first is our free online resource This website is a great tool for navigating the first steps in the adoption process to finding answers to Frequently Asked Questions as well as finding resources for post-adoption support.
Next, Show Hope’s annual Hope for the Journey Conference is a completely digital, fully customizable resource for parents, caregivers, church leaders, and professionals. The conference equips families and communities with the knowledge and tools needed to build connection with the children and teens entrusted to them, while offering hope and encouragement for the day-to-day.
And finally, Show Hope’s Student Initiatives work has a long history in educating the next generation of leaders on the needs of children who are vulnerable and mobilizing them to take action … not just in the future but today.
We invite you to explore more about our Show Hope and prayerfully consider how you might become involved in our work today.