Safer at Home

Safer at home.
We are living in strange times. Our vocabulary seemingly expanded overnight to include terms like social distancing and safer at home.
While modern technology has helped ease this sudden transition to staying in and slowing down, this experience has left many feeling disconnected and disoriented. To protect the most vulnerable among us, we’re purposely distancing ourselves from the people who and places that bring us meaning and provide rhythms for our daily lives.
While we can’t be with one another right now, we’re profoundly aware that we need each other. Day after day, the facts continue to line up: We don’t stand much of a chance in our current situation alone. We have to work together to face this challenge head-on.
It’s been inspiring to SEE this happen around the world! People are using their talents, businesses, expertise, and humor to shine a light into the darkness. Quilters are making masks for healthcare workers. Distilleries are manufacturing hand sanitizer for the general public. Teachers and educators are offering free resources for all of us rookie homeschool parents (can I get an amen?!). Furthermore, we’re banding together to navigate quarantines and social distancing by having FaceTime dates with friends and enjoying virtual storytime.
At Show Hope, we often say, No one can do everything, but everyone can do something.
We are convinced now, more than ever, that this is true, and the work of Show Hope is needed and vital. Our mission is centered on helping to provide home and connectedness for children who might not otherwise experience family. We are aware that for the children we serve, much of life is lived with daily uncertainty.
And so, everything we SEE that is great about human solidarity in times like these and everything we’re missing in not being able to be with those we love and enjoy being around reminds us that the work of Show Hope is far from over.
With that in mind, we, at Show Hope, have decided to move forward, trusting God each step of the way, with the projects and plans we had made prior to the broad COVID-19 impact.
Beginning April 1, we will kickoff Show Hope’s fifth annual 20/20 Campaign to raise funds for our Adoption Aid program. We have been planning and working away for many months now in hopes of achieving our largest fundraising goal for the 20/20 Campaign to date. We knew the goal was lofty, but now with much of the uncertainty of the world, it seems even loftier. With God working through you, we hope to raise $400,000 in Adoption Aid. In doing so, we would be able to help more than 65 children enter the love of a family and experience being safer at home themselves through the miracle of adoption.
With any Show Hope project, campaign, or event, our first and foremost need is prayer. We always welcome—with much humility—your prayers, asking God to continue to guide and remind us of his faithfulness in seasons of plenty and in seasons of drought. We also recognize that we are living in a unique, uncertain time. Individuals are losing jobs, families are feeling the impacts of COVID-19, and we all certainly feel a level of timidity and anxiety. At Show Hope, though, we are striving together to SEE beyond this “momentary affliction” and look to the “eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison” (2 Corinthians 4:17). We are all locking arms together and moving forward in faith as much as we can.
And so, friends, we humbly ask, will you continue to pray with us? Will you continue to journey with us? Together, let’s continue to SEE where hope goes.
Go gently,
Emily Chapman Richards
Executive Director,
Show Hope