Maria’s Legacy in One Year
May 21 marks the one year anniversary of Maria Sue Chapman’s entrance into heaven to be with Jesus. Five days after the tragic death of Maria the show hope team gathered for the first time, formally, in our board room.I clearly remember the tears trickling down my face and sharing with everyone the overwhelming sense that we have entered a new season of the Show Hope life and we had a greater responsibility to be even better stewards of what God might do for orphans, through this ministry.
Maria is one with God and to honor her means we should honor Him! One way to honor Him is to honor what He cares about and delights in doing which is meeting the needs of orphans around the world is something He takes great pleasure in doing. Her legacy is just beginning, but in one year, over $804,000 has been donated to the Maria Miracle Fund and partly as a result of the compassion and generosity of many like you who have donated, we are honoring her not because of the money that has been raised, but because of the way He is being honored by assisting a people group, he desperately cares about…. the fatherless. Thank you!
In one year, we were able to complete the construction of Maria’s Big House of Hope in Louyang, China (Grand Opening this summer!) and assist a number of orphans to be adopted. Maria’s legacy will be centered around healing … healing the brokenness of the lost, the lonely and the least. Thank you for your prayers for the Chapman family, the Show Hope team and for joining us to help carry out the legacy of healing of a young girl who is helping all of us SEE the goodness and beauty of our risen savior in bringing Hope to orphans.