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From the Exec Director

Be Still

A girl praying

How is it with your soul? It’s a question we’ve been asking ourselves at Show Hope this year. No, Show Hope is not a church. But we are a community of Christ-followers doing ministry work: caring for orphans by engaging the Church and reducing barriers to adoption. It’s important work. It’s kingdom work. It’s hard…

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Our North Star

Show Hope Adoption Aid grant recipient family holding hands and walking outside

Dear Show Hope Family,  I recently celebrated five years of service at Show Hope, and what I love and why I am passionate about being here is that Show Hope is an organization that lives and breathes by faith. That call to faith is part of our DNA, if you will. It was our Founders,…

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From Our Executive Director

Dear Friends,  And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” — Luke 2:10-11 I recently read these familiar words,…

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Heroes of the Faith

Dear Friends,  In the Book of Hebrews, we find the familiar verse: “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” The call to faith is a call to trust in a God we can’t see—to trust he is good and at work in our world. Faith in the…

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Why It’s Important for an Organization to Remain True to Its Mission

by Kristin Parks and Emily Chapman Richards  This year, Show Hope is celebrating 20 years as an organization, with our mission: To care for orphans by engaging the Church and reducing barriers to adoption. As you can imagine, we have seen changes and faced challenges in the landscape of adoption as it has evolved over…

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From Our Executive Director

Dear Show Hope Family,  By faith, we launched Show Hope’s Medical Care grants in late 2020, and today, we stand in awe of how God is using this work in the lives of children and families. As I think about the impacts of Medical Care grants, Taylor Mauldin, whose family recently received a second grant…

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No One Stands Still. No One Stands Alone.

Dear Friends,  As the Show Hope staff, we embraced a motto earlier this year—No one stands still. No one stands alone. Its origins are taken from the Old Testament when God entrusts a vision of rebuilding the wall to Nehemiah. If you know the story, Nehemiah returned to Jerusalem to begin the work, but he…

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This Work Is Not Possible Without You …

The Mann Family

Dear Show Hope Family,  In our Summer Newsletter, we had the privilege of introducing you to the Mann family, recipients of a Show Hope Medical Care grant on behalf of their son, Estiven. Describing the impact of the grant, Stephanie and Michael explained, “The Medical Care grant from Show Hope has given our family less…

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Meet Show Hope’s New Executive Director, Kristin Parks

Kristin Parks

Dear Show Hope Family,  For some time now, these words from the Prophet Isaiah have guided me through every major decision point in my life: Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it” (30:21). I held tight…

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Letting Go Gently

Letting Go Gently - Emily Chapman Richards

Dear Show Hope Family,  Do you ever wonder what it must have been like to be Mary Magdalene on the morning of Jesus’ resurrection?  Having discovered the empty tomb, she encounters Jesus in what is a haze of bewilderment and fear.  Place yourself there. Imagine the whiplash of emotions when Jesus calls her name—his voice…

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