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General Updates

Show Hope’s Local, National, and Global Impact

Show Hope Logo, Tennessee Kids Belong logo, Empowered to Connect logo, The Adoption and Foster Care Clinic logo, A Family for Every Orphan logo

Steven and I are continually astounded by God’s faithfulness through countless donors, supporters, and prayer warriors who are giving of their time and resources to further God’s kingdom in the here and now. Thank you. Mary Beth Chapman As you might imagine, Show Hope has seen changes and faced challenges in the landscape of adoption…

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The Kindness of the Lord

For 20 years, Show Hope—guided by our Founders, Mary Beth and Steven Curtis Chapman— has helped more than 8,600 children come to know the love, security, and permanency of a family through adoption while also equipping and mobilizing parents, caregivers, families, students, churches, and professionals to care holistically for the children entrusted to them. If…

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On Show Hope’s Use of Statistics About Children Who Have Been Orphaned

On Show Hope’s Use of Statistics About Children Who Have Been Orphaned

Since 2003, following a vision set forth by our Founders, Mary Beth and Steven Curtis Chapman, Show Hope has had the honor and privilege of serving children who have been orphaned by engaging the Church and reducing barriers to adoption. We work to reduce the financial barrier to adoption through our Adoption Aid program by…

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The Need + Our Mission

The Need and Our Mission Video | National Adoption Month

The month of November is National Adoption Month, and we hope you’ll join us as we dive deeper into the why behind what Show Hope does.  “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.” —…

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Let’s SEE Where Hope Goes

Let's SEE Where Hope Goes

It’s a powerful thing … hope. Like a seed planted deep within, hidden from the eye … you know it is there … you tend to it … you care for it … trusting that, one day, your dream will burst with life.  Together, we dreamed … what if we could help 100 families forever…

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The Knowledge Barrier

The Knowledge Barrier | Emily Chapman Richards

Many who have the ability to make a difference in the lives of waiting children do not take action because they are unaware of the need or feel helpless to do anything. Show Hope helps break down the knowledge barrier in several ways. First, our newly designed, thoughtfully updated, and easy-to-navigate website offers help…

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What a Year It Has Been!

Mary Beth and Steven Curtis Chapman

Dear friends,  It is hard to believe that 2019 is coming to a close. It seems like only yesterday we were ushering in the new year. One thing is certain, 2019 was one for the record books.   We proudly began this year watching our oldest daughter, Emily Chapman Richards, take the helm at Show Hope…

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Beautiful Pictures of the Gospel

By Caleb Chapman I have had the unique privilege of experiencing Show Hope from the very beginning and through many different lenses. Yes, I was an original signee of the contract my older sister, Emily, wrote—explaining how the Chapman children were both willing and able to pitch in and help out however necessary if our…

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Return: Thoughts from Mary Beth Chapman on walking into a new year

Last year, as we turned the page to 2018, each Show Hope staff member named a word for the new year—one to guide him or her into the new year, one to remember while navigating a new year of changes, obstacles, and triumphs. This year, as we turned the page to 2019, the Show Hope…

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Show Hope’s Story

This year, our theme for Fellowship Weekend is “Remember.” In honor of that theme, we’re releasing this new video remembering our story—the amazing ways God’s providence has guided and directed us in our 14 years. This story is only possible with the help of many dedicated, generous supporters. To everyone who has joined in this…

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