From Our Executive Director

Dear Show Hope Family,
By faith, we launched Show Hope’s Medical Care grants in late 2020, and today, we stand in awe of how God is using this work in the lives of children and families. As I think about the impacts of Medical Care grants, Taylor Mauldin, whose family recently received a second grant on behalf of their daughter, Lizzy, sums it up well:
“Now that we have this grant, knowing that Show Hope has our back … We don’t have to be anxious. We don’t have to try and manipulate to make things happen. We can just focus on our daughter … on her recovery and healing.”
Like so many, the Mauldins have faced thousands of dollars in medical bills, even after insurance coverage. In some cases, the financial costs are anticipated, and for some, those bills are completely unexpected. Yet in all, we hear the same need: To love and care holistically for their children.
This month, I humbly invite you into the lives of families like the Mauldins through a financial gift to Maria’s Miracle Fund. Established in honor of Maria Sue Chapman, Show Hope Founders Mary Beth and Steven Curtis Chapman’s daughter who is now with Jesus, Maria’s Miracle Fund supports the work of Show Hope’s Medical Care grants work. To date, we have had the privilege of helping 70 children and families through a Medical Care grant, and by 2025, we want to SEE that number reach 250.
So will you pray for us? Will you share about this extraordinary work of Medical Care grants with your family, friends, and community? And will you support through a financial gift to Maria’s Miracle Fund?
In this, Show Hope’s 20th anniversary year, Maria Chapman would have celebrated her 20th birthday. I cannot think of a better way to honor this work and the legacy of Maria and her family than a gift to Show Hope’s Medical Care grants.
With gratitude,

Kristin E. Parks
Executive Director, Show Hope