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Building Your Adoption Support Network

Adoption Support Network

From the beginning of your adoption journey, until long after your child has come home, there are different individuals and circles of support that will be important. Adoption is life-changing for any individual or family. Whether you are single or married, it is important to ensure that you have a strong support around you for balancing the demands of life and finding space for rest as well as professionals who can provide guidance and insight. The following individuals or circles of support are key in building your adoption support network.

Community of Family and Friends

From simply picking up your children from school to providing times for rest or respite, it is crucial to have close, trusted family members and/or friends who are committed to journeying with you, your children, and your family. These individuals know your children, understand their unique needs, and can provide the safe and secure environment needed to care for your family. (Tip: Encourage this circle of support to read “The Connected Child” by Dr. Karyn Purvis, Dr. David Cross, and Wendy Lyons Sunshine.)

Other Adoptive Families/Adoption Support Group

Join or create a support group of other families that have experienced foster care and/or adoption. Together, you could listen to the Empowered to Connect Podcast and discuss each episode, walk through the “Created to Connect” study guide, or participate in Show Hope’s annual Hope for the Journey Conference.

Pastor or Mentor 

A pastor or mentor will be able to provide wisdom and advice, perhaps from an “outside” perspective. He or she can also support you in the other areas of your life, including your career, your marriage, finances, and more. While growing your family through adoption may, at times, seem overwhelming or all-consuming, the truth is, your life includes many different facets where help and support will be needed. 

Agency Caseworker or Social Worker

Your adoption agency will assign a caseworker who will walk through each step of the adoption process with you, from education to post-adoptive services. This individual will be integral during the midst of the adoption process, answering any questions or addressing any concerns you may have. These caseworkers or social workers will also be important in providing you with crucial information about your child, from educational and medical records. 


The late Dr. Purvis once said, “You cannot lead a child to a place of healing if you do not know the way yourself.” As you begin your self-examination, you may find it useful to seek counseling as a way to help unpack unaddressed trauma in your own life or unresolved pain from the different stages of your life.

Medical Professionals

Whether your child is coming home through domestic or intercountry adoption, it is recommended that your child visits a pediatrician for a comprehensive medical evaluation once home. Whether you choose a doctor who has experience in trauma-informed care or your family doctor, it is important to have someone you can trust and someone who understands the unique needs of your child and your family. 

Whether you are beginning the adoption journey, in the midst of it, or are interested in learning more about what is involved, Show Hope’s offers answers, insight, and guidance for the journey ahead. A critical aspect of adoption is establishing and ensuring you have a trusted, knowledgeable support network who can serve you and your family in day-to-day life. Whether it is simply running errands for you or providing medical advice, this adoption support network is one you should begin building now, no matter where you and your family are on the journey. 

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