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Posts by thegeneral

The Hope That Sustains and Compels Us

Dear friends, What a privilege and gift it is to be writing to you. I am grateful for you—for your unwavering prayers and support. The past few months, our world has looked dramatically different, to say the least. And while we are living in an uncertain time, you have continued to journey with us. Even…

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What is Most True

Mary Beth and Steven Curtis Chapman

To our Show Hope friends, Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows. — Matthew 10:29-31 What strange and unpredictable…

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For the Love of the Church

SEE how Show Hope’s Pause Campaign is impacting college students today … and in the future. Wendy Twit has been working with college students for more than 20 years. “I’ve felt my calling was to work with and mentor girls—college students—since I was in college,” Wendy said. “That was my heartbeat; that was my drive…

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Hope for the Journey Conference

Show Hope | Pre+Post Adoption Support

At the very core of who we are exists a deep desire and fundamental need for connection, belonging, and security found only within relationship.  The mutual exchange of love between the Father, Son, and Spirit is imprinted on the human soul—we bear the Imago Dei, “image of God.” As the creation narrative unfolds, God reflects…

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How You Can Join Us in Prayer

Show Hope Adoption Aid grant recipient family holding hands and walking in a field

The greatest gift one could share or avenue of support to take is that of prayer. We are committed to the truth that prayer is essential in our work.

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Helpful Parenting Resources for Adoptive & Foster Families Amidst COVID-19

Children who know the impact of trauma and early loss often struggle daily with fear, anxiety, and isolation. These emotions and feelings are most certainly heightened and triggered during this season of “safer at home” mandates and restrictions in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Fear is real for us, as parents, so it must be…

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