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Posts by Bethany Jones

Meet the McGlathery Family

We are the McGlathery family from Tennessee. We are advocates [for children who have been orphaned] and parents who have grown our family through adoption. We firmly believe that if the Lord calls you to adopt, he will provide. The Lord has used Show Hope to answer prayers for both of our adoption journeys, and…

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The Most Incredible Journey

When Taylor and TJ Mauldin welcomed home their daughter, Lizzy, from India in 2020, they knew she had a long medical road ahead of her, but they never anticipated what would ultimately become her diagnosis. Lizzy was born with hip contractures, knee issues, and bilateral clubbed feet, a condition the Mauldins had already experienced with…

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Meet the Fain Family

“The first 12 months of our adoption process were filled with paperwork, interviews, fingerprints, documentation, letters, references, trainings, education, home inspections, translations, notaries, medical and psychological evaluations … the list went on and the needle was always moving. Every task brought us one step closer to our son, and we could physically measure our progress…

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Meet the Perrott Family

This month, we invite you into the stories of families like the Perrotts—families waiting to welcome home their children through adoption.  With the cost of adoption ranging between $25,000 and $50,000, this is simply outside the reach of most families. But Show Hope.  For 20 years now, through the help of a Show Hope Adoption…

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Meet the Murphy Family

“It is hard to put into words how much the Show Hope Adoption Aid grant means to us. We would not be able to pursue adoption without the generosity of others. The barrier between what we felt like God was calling us to and us actually being able to do it financially felt so massive.…

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A Moment with Mary Beth Chapman

The minute Shaoey was placed in my arms, I got it.  As we welcomed her into our family through the miracle of adoption, I was confronted with my own adoption story. I finally understood what God did for me. He adopted me too, and nothing is going to separate me from that adoption. It was…

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The McCain Family: How Adoption Found Them

Last year during our 20/20 Campaign, we introduced you to Adoption Aid grant recipients Artina and Martin McCain. Last summer, we sat down with the McCain family to learn more about the story of how adoption found them.  This April, we are launching our eighth annual 20/20 Campaign for Adoption Aid. In one month, we…

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Self-Examination and Trauma 

As parents and caregivers, we want to see our children flourish in all aspects of life. However, for our children who have experienced early attachment injuries related to loss, abuse, trauma, and/or neglect, that flourishing may seem impossible. There is hope and help, though, through care models like Trust-Based Relational Intervention® (TBRI®). But before you…

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The Kozul Family: Where Are They Now?

On April 1, Show Hope will launch our eighth annual 20/20 Campaign for Adoption Aid. The goal is simple: To raise $350,000 in one month, impacting some 45 children and families on the adoption journey.  You have been integral in past 20/20 Campaigns, and that continues as we look to reach (and surpass!) our goal…

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