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Meet the Fain Family

“The first 12 months of our adoption process were filled with paperwork, interviews, fingerprints, documentation, letters, references, trainings, education, home inspections, translations, notaries, medical and psychological evaluations … the list went on and the needle was always moving. Every task brought us one step closer to our son, and we could physically measure our progress with a checklist. Once our dossier was complete and submitted to Colombia, we waited for our last measurable task, approval. We were approved by the country to officially adopt, and now we wait. No more moving the needle, only fervent prayer. No more timeline or checklist, only hopeful conversations about our growing family. In this season of waiting, we continue to see the hands and feet of Jesus all around us. When we received our letter from Show Hope awarding our grant, they gave us so much more than financial support toward our adoption—they gave us hope. They reminded us that the needle is indeed still moving.”

This month, we invite you into the stories of families like the Fains—families waiting to welcome home their children through adoption. 

With the cost of adoption ranging between $25,000 and $50,000, this is simply outside the reach of most families. But Show Hope. 

For 20 years now, through the help of a Show Hope Adoption Aid grant, more than 8,400 children and families have been impacted. And this April, we have the opportunity to see that impact grow through our annual 20/20 Campaign for Adoption Aid.

This month, we are hoping to raise $350,000 in Adoption Aid grants, impacting some 45 children and families. And with generous donors matching all gifts up to $175,000, we are already halfway there. We know that we will get there but not without you. 

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