April Prayer Focus: Meet Ian
In light of upcoming changes to Show Hope’s Care Centers program, Show Hope will continue to share updates from the Care Centers in China in alignment with our involvement with New Hope Foundation and fulfillment of our 2019–2020 agreement ending June 30, 2020. Thank you for your prayers, love, and support.
To learn more about upcoming changes to Show Hope’s Care Centers program, we encourage to read this blog post from our Founders and Executive Director.
Meet Ian. We are thrilled to share his story with you. We have had the privilege of seeing Ian grow into an incredible 8-year-old boy with a kind heart and tender soul. He cares deeply for those around him and shows concern for their feelings.
One thing that brings Ian joy is to be held in a standing position, so he can push off the ground with his legs and jump. He squeals and laughs and the entire room joins in with him. So it’s not a surprise that Ian’s favorite part of physical therapy is jumping on the trampoline.
Ian is never far from his best friend, Alvin. The two spend much of their days together, laughing and smiling at each other. When both are on the trampoline at the same time, their belly laughs can be heard all the way down the hall.
Ian came into care with needs stemming from cerebral palsy and a nervous system condition. He’s a determined, resilient guy, and we are proud of his strength. We love Ian, and our prayer for him—and so many others—is to know the love and security of a family through adoption. Will you join us in this prayer?