June Prayer Focus: Meet Jonathan and Rafael
To learn more about upcoming changes to Show Hope’s Care Centers program, we encourage you to read this blog post from our Founders and Executive Director.
We are excited to introduce these adorable twins, Jonathan and Rafael! Since coming into our care at less than 1 week old, we have been blessed to watch them grow into rambunctious 2-year-olds. They spend their days showering their nurses and nannies with hugs and kisses and entertaining them with songs and dance moves. Jonathan and Rafael adore their nurses and spend much of their day following them around to help on their rounds, learning new songs and dances (their creativity grows by the day), or just spending time sharing snacks.
Jonathan is the “big brother” of the two. He is curious, silly, and makes everyone laugh. He is always on the move; his energy and curiosity keep his nannies busy. He loves to dance while watching the movie “Frozen.” He enjoys mangoes and strawberries and knows the nurses usually have a stash set aside for him.
Rafael may be the “little brother,” but that doesn’t stop him from keeping up. His vocabulary is constantly growing and so are his dance moves! He also loves “Frozen” and likes to get into mischief. He lets Jonathan take the fruit because he prefers biscuits and eggs.
Both boys came into our care with needs stemming from gastrointestinal conditions. They are courageous and resilient, and we are proud of how far they have come. They are affectionate, sweet, and full of joy—spreading it to everyone they meet. They both know the phrase “I love you” in English, and their little voices will melt any heart.
Together, they can conquer anything, and we are thankful they have each other. To see their bond is a beautiful reminder of God’s goodness. Our hope for Jonathan and Rafael, as with all children who wait, is that they would soon have the opportunity to enter a loving family through adoption. Will you join us as we pray for them?