A Win for the Whole Adoption Community

Dear friends,
In October of last year, upon receiving a Show Hope Medical Care grant, Kristin Link said, “What this grant does is provide hope. It’s a win for the whole adoption community.”
Praying, sacrificing, and advocating for their son, Aaro, Kristin and her husband, Steven, stepped out in faith and applied for a Medical Care grant. The Links are one of the first families we met on the journey to launching Show Hope’s new endeavor, and since being introduced to them, we have had the honor to stand alongside and lock arms with other families who, too, continue to pray, sacrifice, and advocate for their children. These amazing kiddos—often with complex medical needs—have been welcomed into the love and permanency of their families through adoption, and on behalf of my parents and Show Hope’s Founders, Mary Beth and Steven Curtis Chapman, we are humbled to play a part in their stories.
With that said, I am also beyond grateful for your prayers, support, and generosity as we have continued journeying toward addressing the barriers to adoption. This good work would not be possible without you.
Recently, I shared that gifts given to Maria’s Miracle Fund will go to support Show Hope’s Medical Care grants. This fund—established in honor of my little sister, Maria, who is now with Jesus—originally helped to sustain and further Show Hope’s support of the Care Centers in China, namely Maria’s Big House of Hope. This May, though, Maria would have graduated from high school, so it seemed only fitting for Maria’s Miracle Fund to “graduate” as well, ensuring children would continue to experience hope and healing this side of eternity.
Show Hope’s Medical Care grants provide needed financial resources to families who have adopted children experiencing ongoing medical needs—families like the Links and the Abbotts who we recently introduced you to in our Summer Newsletter. Knowing financial resources are available to help offset expenses related to caring for a child’s complex needs, it is our prayer that families will feel more supported in their journey to provide for a child after welcoming him or her home through adoption.
Our fiscal year ends June 30, and I want to invite you to prayerfully consider a gift to Maria’s Miracle Fund. I, along with my parents and the entire Show Hope staff, have been astounded by how God has used your prayers and support to launch this newest endeavor, Medical Care grants, and we are eager to SEE where we go from here. So will you join us, once again, in showing up and showing hope? There is still much work to be done, but together, we will continue to SEE the kingdom of God shine a light through the fragments, reminding us of what is most true: I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you (John 14:18).
With appreciation and admiration,