Hope for the Journey Marketing + Promotion
Thank You
Thank you for visiting our Hope for the Journey Conference Marketing + Promotions Resources room. This conference, formerly known as the Empowered to Connect Conference, is tailored toward parents and caregivers meeting the everyday needs of children impacted by adoption and/or foster care. The Hope for the Journey Conference is also a resource for churches, agencies, and other organizations that support and equip parents, caregivers, and the communities they serve.

Learning Modules + Example Schedules
The Hope for the Journey Conference will include five high-level learning modules based on the foundational principles of Trust-Based Relational Intervention® (TBRI®) along with a new teaching component, The Gospel + TBRI. Flexible and customizable, we have provided ideas for participants and hosts in their viewing and consumption of the teaching and tools shared at the conference.

Frequently Asked Questions
We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions from participants and hosts.

Blog Posts of Interest
- Hope for the Journey Conference
- Inside the Hope for the Journey Conference
- Hope for the Journey 2022
- I Get It Now
- Meet the Myers Family
- Practical Teaching and Everyday, Hopeful Wisdom
- Exceedingly More
- “If God Tells You to Go, You Go”
- The Gospel in Pre+Post Adoption Support
- An Excerpt From “Created to Connect”
- TBRI Practical Application Videos With Cindy Lee

Marketing Collateral
We’ve created flyers, posters, a video, bulletin inserts, tickets, and PowerPoint slides that can be customized to include your site’s location, contact information, and registration details. You can print or distribute these items to potential attendees via email or social media.
For further media, marketing, and promotion questions or inquiries, please contact Nathan Magness, Show Hope’s Director of Communications at nmagness@showhope.org.