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4 Resources for Every Adoptive Parent

4 Resources for Every Adoptive Parent

Let’s be real: Parenting is hard.  (Did we just hear an “Amen”?) No matter the context or circumstances, the challenges of parenting are true across the board.  Is it hard? Yes. Is it worth it? Absolutely.  For the children Show Hope serves, many have experienced trauma and early attachment injuries. This means the healing process for these amazing children can be complex and challenging to navigate. 

Parents, If this sounds familiar, know that you are not alone. Thankfully, there are communities to offer support, encouragement, and advice. There are also a number of resources readily available that provide research-based, practical help.

Here are four resources for every adoptive parent you won’t want to miss.

Hope for the Journey Conference

The aim of Show Hope’s Hope for the Journey Conference (previously the Empowered to Connect Conference) will be to shepherd parents and everyday caregivers to a deeper understanding of their children’s needs. As more and more families have responded to meeting the needs of vulnerable children by adopting and providing foster care, the demand for practical and proven resources and tools continues to grow.

In alignment with Show Hope’s mission to care for orphans by engaging the Church and reducing barriers to adoption, our faith compels us and our experience informs us as we work to reimagine our conference. We are prayerful that the Hope for the Journey Conference will help meet these needs and further resource churches in their endeavors to be beacons of hope and encouragement for families in their congregation and surrounding communities.

You can learn more about the conference, and about the opportunity to attend or host a simulcast, here.

The Connected Child

Much of our work in Pre+Post Adoption Support is owed to the incredible life and work of Dr. Karyn Purvis, and this book is the cornerstone of it all. “The Connected Child” is beloved by many in the adoption community, and considered a trusted guide and place of help.

In this book, Dr. Purvis, Dr. David Cross, and Wendy Lyons Sunshine seek to help parents of children impacted by early trauma build healthy and connected relationships so that healing can occur. Called “A tremendous resources for parents and professionals alike” by the National Council for Adoption, we cannot recommend this book enough.

Bonus Resource: “Created to Connect: A Christian’s Guide to The Connected Child” is a companion workbook to help you better understand and implement the principles learned from “The Connected Child.”

The Healing Families DVD Series

Trust-Based Relational Intervention® (TBRI®) is the motivating force behind the work and resources of the Karyn Purvis Institute of Child Development at TCU. The Purvis Institute has put together a number of resources for learning the basics of TBRI, and this DVD series is a great place to start.

The Healing Families DVD Series combines expert analysis with real-life examples to teach practical skills to parents and professionals. The lessons are broken up into sections, which make this series great for busy parents who may need them the most. Through the course of these seven DVDs, you’ll gain an understanding of the foundational elements of TBRI.

Wounded Children, Healing Homes

Published in 2010, “Wounded Children, Healing Homes” addresses the reality of unmet expectations that many have experienced in the adoption journey. Early attachment injuries create unique circumstances, and working through these circumstances doesn’t always go as planned.

This book offers encouragement, validation, and solutions for some of the challenges of parenting. Many have found glimmers of hope in its pages.

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