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What is Most True

Mary Beth and Steven Curtis Chapman

To our Show Hope friends,

Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows. — Matthew 10:29-31

What strange and unpredictable times we find ourselves in these days. We never thought we would be writing a letter to our Show Hope family, reflecting on a global pandemic! I (Mary Beth) don’t know about you, but I have found myself sleepless because of the anxiety of not knowing what is going on in the world I once thought I knew.

The familiar passage from Matthew, however, reminds us of the only hope that can anchor our hearts to what is ultimately and completely true when the waves of uncertainty come crashing (Hebrews 6:19).

These days are filled with much confusion and uncertainty. There is reason for great concern as much pain, hardship, and loss are being experienced in our world and in many of our personal lives. The same is true for the many children and families who Show Hope serves. These children and families already live with daily uncertainty and challenges, and in this unique season, that daily uncertainty and those challenges are even more heightened.

We are thankful, though, that throughout scripture we see God answering our questions, fears, or confusion, not with shame or rejection but instead, lovingly and clearly pointing us to what is most true. Jesus reminds His disciples and us, “ … In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). And, again, in Matthew 10, Jesus is offering truth to His disciples and us that there is something even greater and most true than this world and the times in which we are living. God is, ultimately, aware of every detail of our lives—nothing escapes His notice … and most importantly, His love and His care. He has the very hairs on our heads numbered, for goodness sake! And not even one tiny bird falls from the sky without His notice. This reassures us that God is in control and sovereign over all circumstances, and He has us in the very palm of His hand—and at the center of His heart. This is what is most true for these days in which we find ourselves.

And so, our prayer for you is that you may know this anchored hope in a more real way than ever during this time, and from that, you may be able to Show Hope with us when it is most desperately needed.

Be encouraged with what is most true.

Mary Beth and Steven Curtis Chapman
Show Hope

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