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Twenty Years of Show Hope: Reflecting on the Past and Embracing the Future

Dear friends,

Today, I sit here in profound gratitude for you, as I reflect upon the incredible journey that Show Hope has taken over the past 20 years. It feels like just yesterday that my husband, Steven, and I embarked on this remarkable “great adventure” of hope, and the impact we have witnessed is immeasurable.

When we founded Show Hope in 2003, our vision was simple: to care for the world’s most vulnerable children by breaking down the barriers that hindered their paths to adoption. And you all responded! We believed then and still do that every child deserves the love and security of a family. Little did we know that this tiny seed of faith would grow into a huge tree of hope and ignite a movement that would touch countless lives.

Over the past two decades, Show Hope has been a beacon of hope, changing and encouraging the lives of thousands of children and families through our Adoption Aid grants, our Medical Care grants, our Pre+Post Adoption Support, and our Student Initiatives. It has been a privilege to witness families being united, hearts being mended, and lives being forever changed. The stories we have heard and the healing we have witnessed are a testimony of God working in and among his people to love and bring families to life. Thank you for being a part of the Show Hope story!

Looking ahead to the next 20 years, Show Hope stands poised to build upon the foundation of its first 20 prayer-filled years and the vision that God first prompted Steven and myself with. Our commitment to serving vulnerable children remains steadfast, and we will continue to advocate, care, and work toward going deeper with children and families, meeting their needs in existing and new ways. We aim to expand our reach and work tirelessly to break down the barriers that prevent children from experiencing the love and care they deserve.

By going deeper with the children and families we serve, we are recognizing that their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being are deeply interconnected, and we will continue to collaborate with partners around the world to provide ways to help serve in holistics ways. By addressing these crucial aspects, we can indeed help the families we serve feel hopeful—not isolated—and give them tools and support for success.

Adoption is a lifelong journey, and we will continue to walk alongside families, offering resources, community, and support at every step. We are committed to equipping and empowering these families who have opened their hearts and homes to vulnerable children. We believe that no family should feel alone in their journey, and we are dedicated to being a source of strength and encouragement.

As we now turn to embrace the future—the next 20 years of Show Hope—I humbly invite you to continue journeying with us. Your prayers, support, and generosity have made this work possible and will continue in the days, weeks, months, and years ahead. “And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ,” (Philippians 1:6). 

With love and gratitude, 

Mary Beth Chapman 

Mary Beth Chapman


Show Hope

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