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The Wilkins Family

Wilkins family

This family is a part of Show Hope’s 20/20 Campaign. The goal is to help 20 children come home by raising funds for Adoption Aid grants for 20 families, all in one month.

God shapes each story in a unique way, placing moments and encounters in his perfect timing. For Andy, his story began with elementary school friends who had come home through adoption. For Vanessa, God used an international mission trip in college where she visited orphanages. Now, the Wilkins are in the process of adopting two children from Bulgaria.

“Ever since getting married, we knew this was something God wanted us to pursue as a family,” they shared. “And we believe now is his timing for it.”

Andy and Vanessa said their journey so far has been unpredictable and challenging, as so many find the adoption journey to be. But they feel the love and peace of God is present along the way, and the challenges are certainly worth it.

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