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The Lococq Family

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This family is a part of Show Hope’s 20/20 Campaign. The goal is to help 20 children come home by raising funds for Adoption Aid grants for 20 families, all in one month.

Kandace and Anthony Lecocq realized while they were dating that they both wanted to someday grow their family through adoption. It wasn’t an immediate revelation, they said. It developed slowly, piece by piece falling into place, to reveal the plan God had for their family.

By May 2016, they felt the Lord had made it clear that it was time to begin their adoption journey. Both Kandace and Anthony have been on several trips to volunteer with orphanages outside the US. These experiences “increased our love for these children and our desire to open our hearts and home to them,” they explained.

“It is impossible to see this need first-hand and turn a blind eye,” they said.

The Lecocq’s feel strongly that the Lord has called them to answer the call of caring for orphans and widows by growing their family through adoption.

“There are millions of children who are looking for a family, and we are a family that has room in our hearts and our home.”

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