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The Kinabrew Family

Kinabrew family

This family is a part of Show Hope’s 20/20 Campaign. The goal is to help 20 children come home by raising funds for Adoption Aid grants for 20 families, all in one month.

Sometimes life takes you places you could have never seen coming. For Bruce and Denise Kinabrew, who have four adult children, that is certainly what happened.

The Kinabrews met the newest addition to their family through an international children’s choir he was traveling with that consisted of children in need of families. Bruce and Denise were asked to consider his adoption, and they feel strongly that this is the direction God has chosen for their lives.

“He is teaching us constantly to depend on him,” they say. “He is seldom early but never late.” They and their older children are excited about growing their family again. “Our lives have been dedicated to ministry and we believe in sacrificially giving our resources,” say Bruce and Denise.

“We are so thankful to be a part of God giving our new son a loving family.”
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