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The Choy Family

Choy family

This family is a part of Show Hope’s 20/20 Campaign. The goal is to help 20 children come home by raising funds for Adoption Aid grants for 20 families, all in one month.

Adoption has already changed the Choy family’s life.

“Adoption is part of our earthly family’s story, as well as our spiritual family story,” explained Carson and Joni Choy. Both Carson’s and Joni’s fathers were adopted, as well as Carson’s grandfather. “When we got married, we knew we wanted to adopt someday,” they shared.

Throughout this adoption process, God has been teaching the Choys about waiting and trusting in his timing.

“We know this time of waiting is refining our character to be more like Christ and to trust in his sovereign plan for our lives,” said Carson and Joni, “and we can’t wait to bring our son home and say he is no longer an orphan, but has a family. Our prayer and hope is that through the adoption journey God will be glorified.”

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