The Biggest Adoption Aid Grant Period Yet…So Far!
Dear friends,
My name is Emily Schafer, and I have the privilege of serving as Show Hope’s Director of Development.
It has been such a joy to share that for the two-and-half years since I have worked at Show Hope, I have gotten to say THREE times: This is our biggest Adoption Aid grant period yet!
In other words, the Lord keeps sending record numbers of families who are pursuing adoption, and we’ve been able to say “yes” to these families because of donors like you who support our Adoption Aid grants.
So my question for you is, will you prayerfully consider giving—once again—to Show Hope’s 20/20 Campaign for Adoption Aid?
Our goal this April is $400,000 … one of our largest to date, but I am trusting that we will get there with your generosity and prayers.
In Christ,

Emily Schafer
Director of Development