That Nudge From God

Two years ago, I was introduced to Show Hope through Hope for the Journey. My friend and colleague, at the time, was (and still is a foster parent) and shared, “This conference is one you are really going to love.” I was about nine months into respite care I was providing for a young boy, and she shared how it had transformed her and her family in their journey.
Just a month before that invitation, I had spent time outside of the country, visiting some friends who were serving the Lord in North Africa. God had started revealing to me, after that trip, a strong sense of asking him “what” and “how” he would have me serve him differently as I entered back into my daily life in the States.
Fast forward to viewing Hope for the Journey’s first module, An introduction to Trust-Based Relational Intervention® (TBRI®), and I was hooked! I quickly began to understand the little guy whom I had been providing respite care needed something different. Until that time, my authority and my upbringing were dictating the care I provided rather than beginning with a focus on building connection, trust, and felt safety.
When it clicked for me, I thought, If more people at my church learned about this care model, more people would say “yes” to standing in the gap for kids who had experienced trauma. So I began my search on the conference website and found Show Hope. As I dug into Show Hope’s website, I found a job posting for Director of Development, which was the exact title of my position at that time. As I opened up the job description, I felt God’s nudge to learn more.
Needless to say, I applied for the position, and as the interview process began—Show Hope interviewing me and me interviewing Show Hope—I was met with women and men who were “the real deal.” The Show Hope team was (and still is!) actively serving God’s call on their lives, and I just knew I would be sad if not offered the job. And yes indeed, by God’s grace, timing, and confirmation, Show Hope did offer me the position, and I began a new chapter in September 2022.
Today, I have the privilege to carry out the work of God’s hands at Show Hope, where I have the opportunity to encourage and share with others. Would you join us? … Is God leading you to learn more how to care for children who are vulnerable? Check out Hope for the Journey. … Have you wondered what adoption could like for you and your family? Check out … Do you know a family who is pursuing adoption or has adoption? Share our Adoption Aid or Medical Care grants work with them. … Is God calling you to give? Donate here. … Is God asking you to pray? Here are some specific ways to pray for Show Hope. .

Emily Schafer
Director of Development
Emily lived in Mid Michigan all of her life until the Lord called her to join the Show Hope team in September 2022. Her first connection to the ministry was through the annual Hope for the Journey Conference that she attended to continue her foster care training. After watching one module of the conference, she knew she needed to share it, and that’s when she found the exact position she held at the Community Foundation was open at Show Hope. As only God could do, he gave clear direction that Show Hope was where he wanted to continue to use her gifts to connect with and encourage people to stand in the gap for his youngest image-bearers. Emily loves meeting new people, exploring God’s creation, and encouraging friends and family.