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Posts Tagged ‘prayer’

Giving as an Act of Worship

Giving as Worship

This work of Show Hope would not be possible without the faithful prayer, support, and generosity of our donors and supporters. In this video, Show Hope Co-founder Mary Beth Chapman sits down with Director of Development Emily Schafer to talk about her role and what it looks like to invite people into the work of…

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The Hope That Sustains and Compels Us

Dear friends, What a privilege and gift it is to be writing to you. I am grateful for you—for your unwavering prayers and support. The past few months, our world has looked dramatically different, to say the least. And while we are living in an uncertain time, you have continued to journey with us. Even…

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Hope for the Journey Conference

Show Hope | Pre+Post Adoption Support

At the very core of who we are exists a deep desire and fundamental need for connection, belonging, and security found only within relationship.  The mutual exchange of love between the Father, Son, and Spirit is imprinted on the human soul—we bear the Imago Dei, “image of God.” As the creation narrative unfolds, God reflects…

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How You Can Join Us in Prayer

Show Hope Adoption Aid grant recipient family holding hands and walking in a field

The greatest gift one could share or avenue of support to take is that of prayer. We are committed to the truth that prayer is essential in our work.

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What a Year It Has Been!

Mary Beth and Steven Curtis Chapman

Dear friends,  It is hard to believe that 2019 is coming to a close. It seems like only yesterday we were ushering in the new year. One thing is certain, 2019 was one for the record books.   We proudly began this year watching our oldest daughter, Emily Chapman Richards, take the helm at Show Hope…

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Summer at the Care Centers

Over the summer, we had the opportunity to care for and make sweet memories with some incredible kids at Show Hope’s Care Centers in China. Click through the photos below to see some of the children who have been impacted thanks to your support, prayers, and partnership. Will you join us in praying for their…

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Meet Samuel-Thomas

Meet Samuel-Thomas! This 2-year-old doesn’t let anything stop him. He was admitted to our care one year ago and has come so far. We have enjoyed getting to know his personality and learning all the things that make him laugh. Samuel-Thomas is kind to his friends, and he is determined to try new things. He…

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Looking Back at 2018

Thanks to your support, prayers, and partnership, we had the opportunity to care for some pretty amazing little treasures at our Care Centers in China this past year! As you enjoy this glimpse back at some of the children impacted in 2018, we ask that you continue to pray with us for each child—that they…

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September Prayer Focus: Christian

We’re excited for you to meet Christian. He loves playing with the other children in his room, especially when he can make them laugh. He also enjoys being held by his nannies, and they adore his funny personality. Christian is brave and always excited to explore new things. When you walk into the room, he’s…

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July Prayer Focus: Zion

We are so excited to introduce you to Zion. He is an adorable 2-year-old boy, and he has captured all of our hearts. If he’s not in his room entertaining his nannies and friends, he’s in preschool making his teachers laugh. His pitter-patter down the hall is one of the sweetest sounds, and when he…

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