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Posts Tagged ‘Hope for the Journey Conference’

Hope for the Journey 2023 Discussion Guide

As a host of the 2023 Hope for the Journey Conference, the discussion guide below offers suggestions for small group discussion to reinforce what is taught and shared in the conference. Based on the size and needs of your group, you can choose the activities that will work best in your context. It is divided…

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Hope for the Journey 2023 Activities Guide

2023 Hope for the Journey Conference Speaker Line-up

The guide below offers suggestions for activities to reinforce what is taught and shared in the 2023 Hope for the Journey Conference. Based on the size and needs of your group, you can choose the activities that will work best in your context. It is divided by topic, which offers additional flexibility for your schedule. …

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A Light Bulb Moment

Alison Blanchet and her family

Alison Blanchet and her husband knew before they were married that adoption and foster care may very well be a part of their story. But Alison would have no idea how that decision would change the trajectory of her career. And as they had hoped, shortly after they were married, they began the process of…

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Engaging the Church in 2022 + Beyond

Engaging the Church in 2022 + Beyond

For nearly 20 years, Show Hope has sought to care for orphans by engaging the Church and reducing barriers to adoption. It’s a vision set forth by our Founders, Mary Beth and Steven Curtis Chapman, and still today, guided by them. Over the past two years, in particular, Show Hope has revisited and reexamined our…

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2023 Hope for the Journey Conference Speaker Line-up

2023 Hope for the Journey Conference Speaker Line-up

Show Hope’s third annual Hope for the Journey Conference is available for viewing on Friday, April 14, 2023, through June 30, 2023. Designed to equip parents and caregivers meeting the needs of children impacted by adoption and/or foster care, the Hope for the Journey Conference will feature trainers from the Karyn Purvis Institute of Child…

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Hope for the Journey 2023 Scheduling Ideas

Hope for the Journey 2023 Scheduling Ideas

The 2023 Hope for the Journey Conference is a completely digital and customizable conference. It will follow the structure as previous years with five learning modules. Each learning module includes a teaching session, a “Going Deeper” video segment that dives into a specific topic, and a “Practical Perspectives” video that brings real-life examples to better…

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The Gospel + TBRI®

The Gospel and TBRI

Imprinted on the heart of every human being is a need to belong … a deep desire to be seen and heard, to securely know you are loved and accepted just as you are. We see it in the beginning of time with God’s creation story, and for those of us who belong to Christ,…

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Understanding TBRI® Principles With Special Insights From Marti Smith

Sensory Processing with Marti Smith

Trust-Based Relational Intervention® (TBRI®) is a care model designed to help meet relational and developmental needs of children and youth impacted by trauma. TBRI considers the whole child—his or her brain, biology, behavior, body, and beliefs—and provides parents and caregivers with practical tools and insight to help their child(ren) reach his or her highest potential.…

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How to Prepare for Adoption

How to Prepare for Adoption

Once you have determined to grow your family through adoption, preparing to welcome home a child or children is the next step. How to prepare for adoption may sound quite simplistic in nature, but in reality, it involves continued prayer, study, and counsel.  First, it is crucial to anticipate and prepare for any attachment challenges…

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Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and TBRI

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and TBRI

Adverse Childhood Experiences—or more commonly known as ACEs—are traumatic events that occur in a child or teenager’s life before the age of 18. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), “ACEs are linked to chronic health problems, mental illness, and substance use problems in adolescence and adulthood. ACEs can also negatively impact education, job…

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