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Posts Tagged ‘get involved’

What is Giving Tuesday?

What is Giving Tuesday?

So what is Giving Tuesday? After a historically expensive Thanksgiving weekend, #GivingTuesday is a time to give rather than receive.

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A Transformational Experience

Oakland Christian School | Christie Favero's Middle School students who participated in Show Hope's Pause Campaign

What began as a sixth-grade geography lesson on Eastern Asia ended with a class of middle school students mobilized to care for children who had been orphaned. While that may seem like a stretch for most, for those of us who belong to Christ, we know “with God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26). Having…

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4 Things the Bible Says About Orphans

Early in the Old Testament, we see how essential the care of children who have been orphaned is to God, and from the establishment of his Church in the New Testament, that priority remains evident. For your personal study, family devotional time, or small group, the following outlines specific references to what the Bible says…

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The Knowledge Barrier

The Knowledge Barrier | Emily Chapman Richards

Many who have the ability to make a difference in the lives of waiting children do not take action because they are unaware of the need or feel helpless to do anything. Show Hope helps break down the knowledge barrier in several ways. First, our newly designed, thoughtfully updated, and easy-to-navigate website offers help…

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For the Love of the Church

SEE how Show Hope’s Pause Campaign is impacting college students today … and in the future. Wendy Twit has been working with college students for more than 20 years. “I’ve felt my calling was to work with and mentor girls—college students—since I was in college,” Wendy said. “That was my heartbeat; that was my drive…

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Hope for the Journey Conference

Show Hope | Pre+Post Adoption Support

At the very core of who we are exists a deep desire and fundamental need for connection, belonging, and security found only within relationship.  The mutual exchange of love between the Father, Son, and Spirit is imprinted on the human soul—we bear the Imago Dei, “image of God.” As the creation narrative unfolds, God reflects…

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How You Can Join Us in Prayer

Show Hope Adoption Aid grant recipient family holding hands and walking in a field

The greatest gift one could share or avenue of support to take is that of prayer. We are committed to the truth that prayer is essential in our work.

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A Lasting Resolution

As January comes to a close and New Year festivities fade into 2017 responsibilities, the initial buzz surrounding our New Year’s resolutions may be waning. Resolutions, despite all of the jokes surrounding them, are still made by most people. Many of us resolve to eat better, to exercise more, to read more, or maybe to…

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Thoughts on Philanthropy


“I realized the true meaning of the word philanthropy a few years ago. To my surprise, it has nothing to do with wealth.”

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