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Posts Tagged ‘adoption’

Dear Show Hope Sponsors and Donors

Dear Show Hope Sponsors and Donors, My husband and I attended a worship concert in Denver many years ago where Steven Curtis Chapman showed beautiful pictures and shared touching stories of adoption. Although we had talked about adopting someday, I believe this placed a stronger desire in our hearts for girls in China. We also…

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Positive, People-First Language

Positive, People-First Language

It is important to approach conversations around adoption and orphan care thoughtfully and carefully. The manner in which we speak about adoption and orphan care can impact the perceptions of those around us. It is crucial that our words preserve, protect, and affirm the inherent worth and dignity of children and their families. Seek to…

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Show Hope Gives Adoption Aid Grant To 5,000th Child

SHOW HOPE CELEBRATES BY HELPING THEIR 5,000th CHILD RECEIVE A GRANT AND FIND THEIR FOREVER HOME! Since they opened their doors just 12 years ago, Show Hope, a nonprofit organization founded by Steven Curtis Chapman and his wife Mary Beth for the purpose of caring and advocating for millions of orphans worldwide, is celebrating a…

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A Word From Mary Beth Chapman: Glimpses of Goodness

May is always a difficult month for the Chapmans. It reminds us of what is missing, or broken if you will. Maria as most of you know, went to be with Jesus on the 21st of May, 2008. Since that day, May always presents itself with the dread of anticipating “the day”. Our family always…

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The Miracle of Adoption: Chloe’s Story

The Manis family brought their daughter, Chloe, home with the help of a Show Hope grant! In their inspiring adoption testimony below, they share about their journey. My husband and I have always wanted to be parents. Kids seem to be drawn to us, and us to them. We have both looked forward to the…

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12 Tips for Welcoming Home a Child Through Adoption

If you’re preparing to welcome your child home through adoption, there are some very practical things you can do to help smooth your child’s transition home. The following ideas may be a help to you in the period surrounding placement: 1. Find ways to help your child build connection with the new environment they will…

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3 Prayers for Families Considering Adoption

Whether you are in the midst of an adoption journey or even simply considering taking the first steps toward one, the following are three prayers on which to focus. 1. Prayers for WisdomWe often turn to a trusted friend, family member, and/or mentor when needing advice. This wise counsel is good and needed. However, more…

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3 Factors Contributing to the Orphan Care Issue

3 Factors Contributing to the Orphan Care Issue

The work of Show Hope exists to care for orphans by engaging the Church and reducing barriers to adoption. There are an estimated 15 million children in the world who have lost both parents. Many children who have been orphaned encounter significant early challenges and trauma related to malnutrition, abuse, neglect, and/or unaddressed medical needs.…

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