Show Hope Book Club: A Mother for Choco and Stellaluna

This month we invite you to gather your whole family to read and discuss “Stellaluna” by Jannel Cannon and “A Mother for Choco” by Keiko Kasza.
“A Mother for Choco” is such a sweet story about a little bird looking for his mom, and it helps navigate the complex conversations around adoption while driving home a needed message about love and family,” Show Hope Coordinator of Programs Ellie Lawrence said. “It does a great job of showing kids that family can come in all shapes and sizes, all while featuring adorable illustrations that keep kids engaged!”
A Mother for Choco
- What feelings do you think Choco has about not having a mother?
- Choco meets several other animals who say they can’t be his mother because they don’t look alike. What ways do you look like your mom? What ways do you look different than your mom?
- What does Mrs. Bear do for Choco that moms do to show love? What does your mom do to show love?
- How do you think Stellaluna felt when she fell? How do you think Mother Bat felt?
- Why did Stellluna have a hard time doing things like the baby birds?
- Do you think Mama Bird was right or wrong to make Stellaluna give up her bat ways? Why or why not?
- Have you ever felt like you don’t belong like Stellaluna does?
- How do you think Stellaluna felt when the other bats and her mom found her?
Join us in January for discussion questions on “It Takes More Than Love” by Brittany Salmon.