Q&A With Our Founders

Since 2008, Show Hope’s Student Initiatives work has engaged more than 23,000 students, empowering and equipping them to step into the lives of children and families—all for the glory of God. Our Founders, Mary Beth and Steven Curtis Chapman, have been champions of this work, long before it officially launched 16 years ago now, and we recently sat down with them for a conversation about students and Show Hope’s work through Pause Campaign.
Q: For those familiar with the Show Hope story, we know that it can be traced back to a student mission trip, where your daughter Emily became very passionate about caring for children who had been orphaned. Her passion, eventually, led your family to adoption and the founding of our work. What was it about Emily’s persistent passion that finally turned the tide for the two of you?

MBC: When Emily and I went to Haiti, it was our first time to an impoverished country, and a trip like that stays with you. I witnessed firsthand not only Emily being impacted and influenced by what she was seeing, but at the same time, I was experiencing those exact same experiences and emotions. Once home from that trip, Emily continued to relive that trip in her stories and conversations, and then I saw the “what if” questions begin. What if we were to step into adoption? It became a constant conversation, and to be honest, we saw our daughter really trying to trust the Lord with the questions as well as believing that we would do simply what Jesus mandated in James 1:27. The tide was a slow turn because I was really scared, but again, I knew where she was coming from because I was on the trip with her. Truly looking back, it is remarkably kind that God would allow us all to experience trusting Him for the next step, not knowing where it would lead. But Emily says she knew right where it was going to lead!

SCC: Obviously, as a parent whose greatest desire is to see your children follow Jesus, you can’t help but be excited anytime you see your child passionate about things that God’s Word tells us He is passionate about. We’d read James 1:27, and it was clear in God’s own definition of “true religion” that He cared deeply about us as His children caring for children who had been orphaned. When Emily came home from Haiti with a deep concern for those children, we were very grateful and wanted to “fan that flame.” But when that flame started burning in the direction of adoption and she started using words like, I think God is telling me that we are supposed to adopt, and you should really pray about it, that’s when things got really interesting! We didn’t want to diminish her passion or her faith, but it wasn’t our “calling” as parents. Of course, as the story would go, that was probably the beginning of the tide turning for us, as we did begin to pray about it. Slowly but surely, we began to realize that God was, in fact, using our daughter’s experience and newfound passion to lead our family into a direction that would change not only the course of our lives and the lives of our three daughters [welcomed home through adoption], but through the work of Show Hope, the story would go on to impact the lives of thousands of children and families.
Q: When you consider Show Hope’s mission, to care for orphans by engaging the Church and reducing barriers to adoption, where do you see students fitting into that?
MBC: Everywhere. I do not and will not undersell the power of a believing student! Students, for sure, are the change-agents of tomorrow. They are growing up in the most message-driven, get-the-word-out culture ever. And at Show Hope, our current Student initiative, Pause Campaign, invites students to pause from social media and encourages them to learn more about the needs of children who are vulnerable and equips them for making an impact—right here and right now. Anytime we can invite students into something like Pause Campaign, inevitably some are going to respond. And by that, I don’t just mean they will adopt, though some may! But others might respond through service in another country. Some might step into foster care … or any of the many areas of caring for children. Show Hope wants to offer a place of encouragement, learning, and listening to the Lord’s invitation into His kingdom work.
SCC: We’ve all heard it said, “Students are the leaders of tomorrow,” or “Children are the Church of tomorrow.” But what we have experienced firsthand is that students can actually be the leaders or change-agents of today. God’s Word points to “the faith of a child,” basically as a prerequisite for entering the very kingdom of heaven. If the work of the Church is to bring to bear the kingdom of God “on earth as it is in heaven,” then it seems to be very important for us to recognize, nurture, and encourage the significant place students have in that mission.
Q: Why is it important to you, as Show Hope’s Founders, to include students in this work?
SCC: Since the beginning of Show Hope, Mary Beth has always been passionate about keeping students involved in the work we do. It’s not a stretch to say there would be no Show Hope without the passion, tenacity, and believing faith of a student named Emily. And we’ve seen so much of the impact that Show Hope has had through the years come by way of students.
MBC: When Steven and I are long gone, it is the students of today that will experience a life-changing event and then use it to be the leaders of tomorrow. If Show Hope can continue to teach, give opportunities, and include students, then hopefully this important work will also be a part of other life-giving works.
Q: Show Hope’s current Student Initiative is Pause Campaign. What is it about Pause that differentiates it from other student programs or curriculum?
SCC: I had a front-row seat, in many ways, to what would lead to the inception of Pause Campaign, traveling to Haiti with Shaoey and several other students her age when she was in middle school. The purpose of the trip was to give students a chance to spend time with children who had been orphaned or were not able to be cared for by their parents while exploring together what God’s Word teaches us about His heart for these special treasures. Because of the lack of phone service and limited internet access, all of the students commented on how important that was in creating the “space” for them to really engage and experience what they believed God wanted to show them during that time. That was, ultimately, the beginning of Pause campaign.
MBC: Pause Campaign requires an intentional decision to give up something—social media—to really lean into what Jesus says about children who have been orphaned … and what holistically caring for them really looks like. It’s a sacrifice that creates a pathway to be near and dear to the heart of Jesus.

Q: Last year, Show Hope introduced new Student and College Editions of Pause Campaign. What initiatives are coming from Pause this year?
MBC: Last year, we were so excited to see Show Hope create two editions of Pause Campaign. What a great opportunity to meet students closer to where they are in life! And this summer, Show Hope launched virtual training for potential Pause Campaign leaders, and it was fruitful! We look forward to seeing where this new idea takes us in better equipping students to actually lead a Pause Campaign in their churches, schools, or communities.
SCC: While we are certainly grateful for teachers, coaches, or youth pastors to step in and lead a Pause Campaign, knowing that there are students leading their peers through it is incredible. Proof, yet again, that students can be leaders today!
Q: Show Hope is now more than 20 years old. Some of the children we have had the opportunity to serve and support in our early years are now teenage and college aged. How do you see these young people fitting into our Student Initiatives work?
SCC: What a great question—and one that, honestly, is humbling and leaving me speechless! There are babies, toddlers, and young children from Show Hope’s early days who are now in high school, college, and even beginning life as adults. We even know of some who are already stepping into this important work, and we could not be more proud.
MBC: With Show Hope’s Student Initiatives, we are building a plan to connect with those young leaders and their families. Our desire is that they might become what we are calling “Pause Campaign Ambassadors,” taking Show Hope’s work into their own communities. Like I said earlier, when Steven and I are long gone, these are the ones who can take up the torch and continue running the race, all for the good of children and for the glory of God.
Q: How would you encourage a parent, pastor, or mentor who is walking alongside students and helping them to understand that they can make a difference in today’s often chaotic, divisive world?
SCC: I think it is always important to remember what God’s Word tells us … about how highly He values the hearts and minds of young men and women—and the importance he places on recognizing and nurturing them.
MBC: Our children, students, and young people’s lives are so moldable and tender—let’s not forget that. They are so worth pouring into, and what a privilege that is! God has entrusted them to us, and we must be good stewards of those gifts.
Q: For youth ministers, collegiate pastors, and other leaders working with today’s youth, what would you say to them about our Student Initiatives work and Pause Campaign?
MBC: Please consider joining us! Show Hope has taken seriously this truth that students can be amazing mouthpieces for change. God has so much He can do through a bunch of young people who get fired up for a great cause—one that is especially near and dear to His heart.
SCC: From the stories of profound effect it has had on the lives of students to the way it has opened their eyes and hearts to a deeper understanding of who God really is, I would simply say, “Just do it!”

Q: What would you say to middle and high school as well as college students who might be considering joining a Pause Campaign in their church or community?
MBC: I know I’m a Grammy to seven little people now, but I love kids, students, and young people! Show Hope Student Initiatives and Pause Campaign are for you! I would love to see a whole movement rise up of Show Hope ambassadors who long to live out our mission, to care for orphans by engaging the Church and reducing barriers to adoption. There are so many ways to do this, and I believe that by following Jesus and His example, a student’s imagination, tenacity, and commitment can make a difference somewhere along this continuum of care for children in need of families. Doing this in the name of Jesus and in love, the world will change for the better—and you can say you were a part of it!
SCC: We are all aware of how much time can be wasted, wandering in the abyss of social media and technology. And I know … it’s not all bad. But there is so much more to our lives that God has made us for and is inviting us into … you might even call it a “Great Adventure!” (See what I did there?) But truly, the more we know of God and what He is inviting us into as followers of His Son Jesus, the more we come to know how wild and winsome and wonderful He truly is … so much better and more real than anything a computer game or social media can ever give us. And I truly believe Pause Campaign is one great way to explore and come to know more of the wild, winsome, and wonderful heart of our Heavenly Father.
This Christmas, we have strategically planned to raise $500,000 for the continuing impact of our work, yet we cannot reach that goal without you. Today, will you prayerfully consider a gift to our Gifts of Hope campaign? We need you.