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Meet the Wetzl Family

“There are many ways to care for the widows and the orphans, but God placed on our hearts that we have the room in our home, we have the room in our hearts, to bring another little child into our house.” — The Wetzl Family

With the help of a Show Hope Adoption Aid grant, Marcela and Ryan Wetzl are adopting from Colombia. 

“God has continued to shape and mold us and show us that our lives should reflect him as image-bearers. We are learning to become less dependent on our comfort and rely more on the one who comforts us. We stand firm in the promise that he goes before us and works all things for his glory.”

At Show Hope, we stand firm on the belief that every child deserves to know the love and security of a family. We can’t individually do it all, but we can all do something to impact the lives of waiting children. 

 By giving to the 20/20 Campaign, you are helping more families like the Wetzls welcome their children home.


We recognize that we are all living in a unique, uncertain time. Individuals are losing jobs, some of you included; families are feeling the impacts of COVID-19; and we all certainly feel a level of timidity and anxiety. At Show Hope, we are wrestling with how to proceed with our mission in such a time as this. We are convinced now, more than ever, that the work of Show Hope is needed and vital. Our mission is centered on helping to provide home and connectedness for children who might not otherwise experience family. We are aware that for the children we serve, much of life is lived with daily uncertainty. It is, to that end, that we ask you to join us in prayer as we are also praying for you, our country, our world … and the children and families we serve.

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