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Meet the Newland Family

“Our hearts have been longing for you for a long time, and we feel that the Lord, in his perfect timing, will reveal who you are. We can’t wait for you to meet your sisters, who have been eagerly awaiting the day we get to travel to come meet you. They are so excited for our family to grow! Since I speak Spanish, I can’t wait to connect with your heart in this way …” — The Newland Family

One of the primary barriers standing between waiting children and loving families is the cost associated with adoption, which can range between $25,000 and $50,000.

For the past five years, in the month of April, we have invited you to be a part of impacting lives through our 20/20 Campaign, which raises funds for our Adoption Aid grants. And every year, your generosity has left us astounded—and children and families changed forever.

In the wake of an unprecedented and often heartwrenching year for many of the children and families we serve, we have set a goal to raise $350,000 in Adoption Aid grants, allowing us to impact more than 50 children and families.

You can be a part of helping change lives, like the Newland family, through this year’s Adoption Aid 20/20 Campaign. 

Will you join us? Together, let’s SEE where hope goes! 

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