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Meet the Crocker Family

Early in their marriage, both Sarah and Ben Crocker believed they would—at least in part—grow their family through adoption one day. After a couple of years of unexplained infertility issues, the Crockers decided to embark on the adoption journey they felt God had been preparing them for since the early days of marriage.

“We quickly realized we wanted to adopt a sibling group,” Ben said. “Sarah comes from a large family (she is one of six children), and we love spending time with all of them, their spouses, and their children. The thought that some children may face a possible separation from their siblings to be adopted grieved our hearts. And we felt like we could step into that particular need.”

Throughout the ups and downs of their journey, Ben and Sarah have been buoyed by the generosity and encouragement of their community and continually felt God teaching them patience, trust, and surrender. 

“This process has helped us understand God’s love for us,” they said. “Our journey through infertility left a heavy, sinking, and insatiable longing for children. And through that pain, we began to understand how much the Father must love us to give up his only-begotten, ever-beloved Son for our behalf. In the hardest parts of that journey, it was that love that held us. And it’s that love that we hope to show and share with our future children.”

You can be a part of helping change lives, like the Crocker family, through this year’s Adoption Aid 20/20 Campaign. 

Will you join us? Together, let’s SEE where hope goes!

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