July Spotlight: Ellis
Sweet Ellis lights up the room! We are smitten with this darling boy, and we’re thrilled to introduce you to him.
Ellis is quick to smile, full of energy, and is bursting with spunk and charm.
Ellis shows his strength and determination during physical therapy, and he grows stronger with each passing day. His nannies and therapist are so proud of him. We love watching as he tries his hardest, and we love seeing the look on his face when he accomplishes something new.
In preschool, Ellis is learning new songs every day. He beams with joy when he jingles the bells or plays the toy keyboard. During storytime, his teacher lets him help turn the pages and he’s always eager to be a good helper!
Ellis is very smart. He mimics his nannies and teacher as they show him how to make new sounds or blow kisses. And he loves to laugh with his nannies and friends—whether they’re playing peek-a-boo or knocking down a tower of blocks, Ellis is the first to giggle. We are so proud of his constant resilience!
Ellis was admitted into our care this spring with needs stemming from a condition that affects his arms and legs.
One of our greatest hopes is to see Ellis share his joy with a loving family through adoption. Will you join us in this prayer?