January Spotlight: Meet Galvis
In light of upcoming changes to Show Hope’s Care Centers program, Show Hope will continue to share updates from the Care Centers in China in alignment with our involvement with New Hope Foundation and fulfillment of our 2019–2020 agreement ending June 30, 2020. Thank you for your prayers, love, and support.
To learn more about upcoming changes to Show Hope’s Care Centers program, we encourage to read this blog post from our Founders and Executive Director.
Meet Galvis. At just 2 1/2 years old, he’s already won over many hearts with his spunk and fun personality.
Galvis spends his days playing with his friends in his room or outside at the playground when it’s warm enough. He enjoys trying to keep up with the bigger children, and he always ends up laughing at their antics. He’s quick to join in making silly sounds or in make-believe play—always making sure his nanny is close by to watch.
Galvis was born with spina bifida and came into care when he was a baby. He’s strong and courageous, and we admire the tenacity he constantly shows as he goes about his day.
Galvis benefits from physical therapy, and we’re proud of his progress. He’s made strides in becoming mobile by zooming around in his ZipZac, and he loves to show off how strong his arms have become. Other things Galvis enjoys are musical instruments, playing peek-a-boo, and toy cars. He also likes to play with pretend food but prefers a real cupcake whenever there’s a birthday party!
Our greatest hope for Galvis—and so many others—is to know the love and security of a family through adoption. Will you join us as we pray for Galvis?