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The Biggest Adoption Aid Grant Period Yet…So Far!

Emily Schafer

Dear friends, My name is Emily Schafer, and I have the privilege of serving as Show Hope’s Director of Development.  It has been such a joy to share that for the two-and-half years since I have worked at Show Hope, I have gotten to say THREE times: This is our biggest Adoption Aid grant period…

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To Meet a Record Goal

Mary Beth Chapman

Beginning April 1, the team at Show Hope will be working to raise $400,000 through our annual 20/20 Campaign for Adoption Aid grants. The truth is, the needs remain the same as they did when Steven and I founded Show Hope more than 22 years ago. We continue to see increases in families applying for…

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The Need Continues

Daughter of a family who received a Show Hope Adoption Aid grant holding a yellow flower towards the camera and smiling

Today, there are approximately 15 million children, around the globe, who are in need of the love, security, and permanency of a family. And here, in the U.S., there are some 115,000 children who have had parental rights terminated and are in need of permanent families. In addition, there are families who long to grow…

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Meet the Lees

Father and mother hugging their three children

“We’ve been telling everyone that God has been very kind to our family. You are his gift to us. He knows you so well, and we look forward to knowing you too and living life together.” Jessica and Aaron Lee The goal of Show Hope’s Adoption Aid grants is to fund 25 to 35 percent…

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Meet the Satos

Family standing together and smiling for a picture in front of their house

“Stepping into the hard and broken places is where I see God move mountains over and over again. No one in our family shares DNA. And when I look around our table, I see our beautiful family, each person so different, and I remember their birth families who brought us together.” Jennifer and Jonathan Sato…

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There Is Hope and Help With YOU

Headshot of woman smiling

More than 20 years ago, Mary Beth and Steven Curtis Chapman dreamed of helping 100 children come home to the love of a family through adoption. Today, nearly 8,900 children have been impacted by a Show Hope Adoption Aid grant. Yet the need remains the same as it did in 2003.  The goal of Show…

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Meet the Waldens

Man playing guitar and family gathered around smiling

“While we don’t yet know who you are, we know God is perfectly weaving our family together, and you are part of the tapestry he is creating.” Liana and Nathan Walden The goal of Show Hope’s Adoption Aid grants is to fund 25 to 35 percent of the total costs associated with adoption. Until recently,…

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1 Month. Nearly $390,000. More Than 45 Children & Families.

1 Month. Nearly $390,000. More Than 45 Children & Families. In April, we had the big goal of raising $350,000 in Show Hope Adoption Aid grants to help 45 children and families—all through our eighth annual 20/20 Campaign. Throughout the month, we introduced three families waiting to bring home their children through adoption. You can…

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Meet the Fain Family

“The first 12 months of our adoption process were filled with paperwork, interviews, fingerprints, documentation, letters, references, trainings, education, home inspections, translations, notaries, medical and psychological evaluations … the list went on and the needle was always moving. Every task brought us one step closer to our son, and we could physically measure our progress…

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Meet the Perrott Family

This month, we invite you into the stories of families like the Perrotts—families waiting to welcome home their children through adoption.  With the cost of adoption ranging between $25,000 and $50,000, this is simply outside the reach of most families. But Show Hope.  For 20 years now, through the help of a Show Hope Adoption…

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