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Posts by Bethany Jones

How Adoption Wrecked Me

by Mary Beth Chapman, Co-founder, Show Hope Adoption wrecked me. But it wrecked me in all the right ways. The minute Shaoey was placed in my arms, I got it. Finally, everything I had been taught to believe growing up in church, it all made sense. You see, all of those years ago, standing in…

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How to Use Social Media for Good

Bethany Briley

Show Hope’s current Student Initiative, Pause Campaign, is a thoughtfully, prayerfully designed weeklong devotional that challenges students to step away from social media and step into a posture of learning. We can’t deny the fact that we are a technology-dependent society. In fact, Americans spend between five to six hours a day on their phones,…

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An Interview with Pause Campaign Leader, Manna Robertson

Pause Campaign Leader Manna Robertson

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself? My name is Manna Robertson, and I am a freshman at the University of Florida. I was adopted from China when I was 16 months old and have four other siblings who were also adopted. My parents received Show Hope Adoption Aid grants to help fund…

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Hope for Tennessee and Beyond

Daren Jones | Hope for Tennessee and Beyond

Show Hope’s new conference brings hope to Tennessee and beyond. No matter the path a family has journeyed, there is always hope for the road ahead. And Show Hope is here to come alongside children and families, helping them find that hope. This spring, Show Hope’s inaugural Hope for the Journey Conference premiered, and in…

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SEEing Theo

SEEing Theo -The Abbot Family

How the Adoption Journey Doesn’t End the Day a Child is Welcomed Home For Abby and Ryan Abbott, the path to bringing their son Theo home began years before he was born. In fact, for Abby, it began before she ever met her husband. “I always wanted to adopt, even from a young age,” Abby…

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Meet The Athman Family

Show Hope Sponsors | The Athman Family

Dear Show Hope, Today we received a letter in the mail from Show Hope stating we had been awarded an Adoption Aid grant. I stood in awe as my kids gathered around wondering what was wrong. When I shared with them about your generosity, a cheer erupted from these tiny people who are walking out…

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Meet The Townson Family

Show Hope sponsors’ monthly gifts of $35 or more go directly toward families being built through the help of our Adoption Aid grants, and without their generous and faithful support, this work would not be possible. As sponsors help make these grants possible through their giving, they also have the opportunity to follow the stories…

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