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Getting to Know Bethany Briley–Show Hope’s Coordinator of Student Initiatives

Show Hope Co-founder Mary Beth Chapman sat down with Bethany Briley, Show Hope’s Coordinator of Student Initiatives.

For 14 years, Show Hope has equipped and mobilized more than 23,000 students on college campuses, in middle and high school classrooms, and through youth ministries at churches across the U.S. As our Co-founder Steven Curtis Chapman once wrote, “We believe when we give students an opportunity to help care for vulnerable children in the world, here or abroad, they can bring about change of epic proportions. … I’m convinced students, if they become passionate about it, can be today’s orphan care leaders and agents of significant change.”

Watch as Mary Beth and Bethany discuss Show Hope’s current Student Initiative’s program, Pause Campaign—and how you can get involved today! 

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