Hope for the Journey Resources
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Hope for the Journey.
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NOW AVAILABLE Host Site Marketing Collateral
As you prepare to host Hope for the Journey, we hope you find these pieces of marketing support helpful and useful.

Host Guide
With general conference information as well as tips and ideas for hosting, the Host Guide will provide all you need for hosting at your church or organization.

Hope for the Journey Guides
Show Hope recommends that each participant has access to the Companion Guide + Notebook as well as the Practical Application Guide. These guides are reference resources to enhance the learning experience.
Guidebooks include:
- Key takeaways from each of the five learning modules
- Practical application activities
- Space to record notes

Teaching Slides
Access speaker presentations to follow along as they present, or download them for future reference.
*Note: Videos and some photos cannot be made available due to privacy concerns.

Trauma Competency Continuum
By taking active steps to move along the Trauma Competency Continuum, developed in partnership between Show Hope and Empowered to Connect, a church or faith community becomes trauma informed—making a commitment to pursue hope, healing, and restoration through implementing compassionate, supportive policies and practices.

Focus on the Family
For the past three years, Focus on the Family has been an invaluable partner to helping us bring to life the Hope for the Journey Conference. And in 2025, Focus on the Family is the Signature Sponsor of our fifth teaching module, The Gospel + TBRI. Focus on the Family is a global Christian ministry dedicated to helping families thrive. Since 1977, Focus on the Family has provided help and resources for couples to build healthy marriages that reflect God’s design and for parents to raise their children according to morals and values grounded in biblical principles.
Hope for the Journey Training Certificate
Please submit this form to your adoption or foster care agency for approval and credit.
Did you miss the 2024 Hope for the Journey Conference or want to share what you learned with others?
Audio of the teaching sessions are available for purchase and download below!
Helpful Tools

Practical Application Guides
Download questions, reflections, action steps, and activities that correspond with each Learning Module to practically guide you through the content.

Created to Connect Digital Study Guide
This resource was created to illuminate the biblical principles that serve as the foundation for the philosophy and interventions in
The Connected Child.

Considering the impact of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) can provide a window into the developmental impact of relational trauma.

Sensory Integration Products and Favorite Fidgets
Children impacted by early trauma often struggle to manage information coming in through the senses. While some children may be sensory-avoiding, others are sensory-seeking.
Here are some recommended sensory-integration products along with some of our favorite fidgets.
Additional Resources
Podcast: Connected Communities: The TBRI Podcast
Podcast: Empowered to Connect Podcast
TBRI Animate: TBRI®: Trust-Based Relational Intervention®
TBRI Animate: The IDEAL Response©
Video: The IDEAL Response for Parents
Video: Creative Ways to Learn New Behaviors
Video: How Do I Handle Manipulation and Control?
Quiz: Sensory Preferences Quiz
Book: The Connected Therapist by Marti Smith, OTR/L
Book: Parenting From the Inside Out
Blog: Understanding Attachment Theory
Blog: Understanding Secure Attachment
Blog: Understanding Anxious Attachment
Blog: Understanding Avoidant Attachment
Worksheet: Creating a Calming Engagement Plan (Sensory Preferences)