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The Simmons Family

Simmons family

This family is a part of Show Hope’s 20/20 Campaign. The goal is to help 20 children come home by raising funds for Adoption Aid grants for 20 families, all in one month.

Sometimes the way life plays out doesn’t make much sense, but time and time again it is clear that God works in hard situations to bring beauty from the ashes. For Michael and Julie, the loss of a child in their first pregnancy led them to consider adoption. That was 11 years ago, and they’ve had two children by birth since. But that early loss planted the seeds for the adoption journey they are on now.

The Simmons are planning to adopt a child with disabilities from China. They are surrounded by a loving and supportive community and can’t imagine a better place to help their child thrive.

“We have shared the process every step of the way with our daughters, as we believe this journey is going to teach them so much about God’s huge love for us,” they said.

They feel incredibly stretched by some of the more difficult moments in the adoption process but are trusting in God to continue to work out his beautiful plan.

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