Posts Tagged ‘trust-based relational intervention’
We Didn’t Know What We Didn’t Know
by Mary Beth Chapman, Co-founder, Show Hope Steven and I have been on the adoption journey since 2000. That’s when our fourth child came home through the miracle of adoption … Shaohannah Hope Chapman. I know every story is different, but for us, Love took us in, and everything changed. We honestly thought, All you…
Read More2025 Hope for the Journey Schedule
An integral resource within Show Hope’s Pre+Post Adoption Support work, Hope for the Journey is a fully customizable platform, based on your unique needs and includes the following. + 5 teaching sessions based on the fundamentals of Trust-Based Relational Intervention® (TBRI®), led by seasoned educators, practitioners, and professionals, as outlined below + 5 “Going Deeper”…
Read MoreUnderstanding Disorganized Attachment
Introduction to Attachment Theory If you have been following Show Hope’s work with Hope for Journey and Trust-Based Relational Intervention® (TBRI®), you have more than likely encountered attachment. Attachment theory (as described in this blog post) tells us that a child is not born attached to their caregiver but rather will develop a specific style…
Read MoreHope for the Journey Hosts and Teaching Session Speakers
For 15 years, Show Hope’s Hope for the Journey has impacted more than 155,000 parents, caregivers, church leaders, and professionals with much-needed, paradigm-shifting insight, education, and training. That legacy continues as we launch, with a reimagined experience that better serves children and families, churches, and entire communities. Access Hope for the Journey teaching sessions,…
Read Morecol•lab•o•ra•tion
With a live Mariachi band in the background and chips and salsa on the table, Naomi and Tray Strawhorn began sketching architectural plans on a white napkin—plans to expand their two-bedroom, one-and-a-half bathroom home to make room for three siblings. At the time, the Strawhorns were foster parents to a 5-year-old boy, named James. His…
Read MoreUnderstanding Avoidant Attachment
An Introduction to Avoidant Attachment In the past few weeks, we have unpacked attachment theory, paying close attention to both secure attachment and anxious attachment. Today, we are going to take a closer look at avoidant attachment. To begin building a better understanding of avoidant attachment, let’s start with what it looks like in babies…
Read MoreTBRI®️ in Sports
TBRI®️ + Sports Whether you are a parent, coach, or both, below are ways that you can incorporate TBRI® (Trust-Based Relational Intervention®) principles into sports. TBRI®️ in Sports: Connecting Principles TBRI®️ in Sports: Empowering Principles TBRI®️ in Sports: Correcting Principles Whether it is on the field, in the classroom, or within your home, TBRI will…
Read MoreShow Hope Book Club: Anatomy of the Soul
Anatomy of the Soul “Dr. Curt Thompson does an incredible job of unpacking attachment theory and how it connects to our spiritual life and relationships. He helps us understand the brain and the beauty of how God designed it to work,” Show Hope Senior Manager of Adoption Aid Kate Johnson said. “Woven into [“Anatomy of…
Read MoreUnderstanding Anxious Attachment
An Introduction to Anxious Attachment What is your attachment style? It’s a question you may have been asking yourself since we first published our “Understanding Attachment Theory” blog post. We recently unpacked secure attachment, and now, we are examining more closely anxious (or preoccupied) attachment. According to the Cleveland Clinic, “Anxious attachment is a type…
Read MoreUnderstanding Secure Attachment
An Introduction to Attachment Theory At Show Hope, you will often hear us talk about attachment, particularly in regard to our Pre+Post Adoption Support work. As we recently outlined in a blog post, attachment theory suggests that each one of us has an attachment style that formed when we were young. First developed by psychologists…
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