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Posts Tagged ‘Pre+Post Adoption Support’

Hope for the Journey Conference Commonly Asked Questions

In late spring, Show Hope announced plans for its new Hope for the Journey Conference (formerly known as the Empowered to Connect Conference). The conference and simulcast is planned for Friday, April 9, 2021, with a rebroadcast period of April 16–May 31, 2021. The following are commonly asked questions, regarding Show Hope’s new Hope for…

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TBRI® Practical Application Strategies with Cindy Lee

TBRIⓇ Practical Application Videos with Cindy Lee

The adoption journey doesn’t end the day a child is welcomed home. In many ways, it is just beginning. That’s why Show Hope is committed to providing families impacted by adoption and/or foster care with real, practical, tools to help their children thrive. Working in conjunction with Cindy Lee, licensed clinical social worker and co-founder…

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Hope for the Journey Conference

Show Hope | Pre+Post Adoption Support

At the very core of who we are exists a deep desire and fundamental need for connection, belonging, and security found only within relationship.  The mutual exchange of love between the Father, Son, and Spirit is imprinted on the human soul—we bear the Imago Dei, “image of God.” As the creation narrative unfolds, God reflects…

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Helpful Parenting Resources for Adoptive & Foster Families Amidst COVID-19

Children who know the impact of trauma and early loss often struggle daily with fear, anxiety, and isolation. These emotions and feelings are most certainly heightened and triggered during this season of “safer at home” mandates and restrictions in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Fear is real for us, as parents, so it must be…

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Exceedingly More

The Carver Family

“Had it not been for Show Hope’s faithfulness to engage and provide, we would never have been exposed to TBRI.” — Kim and Kristyn Carver

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The Vision for Pre+Post Adoption Support

Vision for Pre+Post Adoption Support | Mary Beth and Steven Curtis Chapman

As followers of Christ, it seems that God often invites us into journeys where only the first few steps are clear. Without any real idea of where a journey will lead, we follow, hoping the path will be filled with awe and wonder, and often it is. But that journey can also turn out much…

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3 Truths About Attachment-Based Parenting

3 Truths About Attachment-Based Parenting

This post was written by Dan Coley, Show Hope’s Former Senior Director of Programs.   The first time I heard Trust-Based Relational Intervention® (TBRI®) taught and explained by Dr. Karyn Purvis, it was almost too much to process. I was overwhelmed by the flood of information and the strategies I needed to immediately incorporate into…

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